They aren't songs by The Boss, Bruce Springsteen. They're songs you unlock after defeating all the others on a level.
It's brilliant, just brilliant. I've never gotten to see Jet Li kick ass outside of "The One," which some people don't even consider a Jet Li movie. I had no idea that Hero was a beautiful, historical action drama thing, I just heard it was excellent. And it is.
Thank You, Scott
Here is the dream my exhausted mind produced after this convention:
Otogi is like Shinobi only with better graphics, better music, better level design, a more robust combat system including the ability to purchase new weapons and magic that will alter your characters stats and combos, tighter controls and a camera that actually works. The fact that most stores are only ordering half of a copy though means it might be difficult to get your hands on one. Once again the Pre-ordering system fucks the average gamer in the ass. It's the same thing that happened with REZ, ICO and APEX. They don't get many pre-orders so they only get in a few copies. Then everyone realizes what an awesome game it is and you can't fucking buy it anywhere.
I, Uh
I went ahead and removed the copy of Ultramodern Firearms from my bag before going to the airport. I have a feeling that the people looking through the backs don't keep up with the latest from Wizards of the Coast, you know?
I'm Sure It Will Be Fine
The first day I made the Club PA mail account - the first day - I started getting those Nigerian Scams. Let's say five in a 24 hour period, the first day I had created the account. They're a Goddamn pox, I tell you. People have actually gone through with the whole charade, can you believe it? Ended up in Nigeria or God only knows where, forced to endure a hellish menu of monstrous acts until they have nothing else to give and end up in some hole in the jungle. I don't know if it's one idiot per hole, or if it's a big hole where they put all the idiots together, but that is neither here nor there.
I Have Extra Punctuation
If you needed a comma, you could have come to me in friendship.
I don't need your commas!
Fuck you and fuck your punctuation.
Tell LucasArts what you think.
A fan wrote in with this link to a LucasArts customer survey. Question 40 asks what time period you would like to see future Star Wars game take place in. One of the options is "after Return of the Jedi". The survey might be a good way for us expanded universe fans to let LucasArts know how we feel.
Point Of Information
I'd put a comma between restless and fitful, but that's just me.
Over Easy and Stuff
Just a quick update to let you all know that I just finished page six of Over Easy. Here is a little taste for you:
Dear Factor 5
Gabe will most likely be very busy today wrapping up this month's gift and Monday's comic, so we may not get to hear an extended version of his plea to Factor 5. We actually cracked out Rogue Squadron II for the Cube fairly recently, it's still very beautiful, and it's still very difficult. But like Gabe, I have a difficult time kindling much enthusiasm for another action game set in the context of the original trilogy. That isn't even a comment on those movies - I've just always preferred the more adventurous forays into Star Wars mythology, games that take more license with the license. The New Jedi Order fiction seems as good a place to start as any.
hyperbolic boosterism
Did he just insult me? I can never tell with him. Just incase he did I will say that he is a cockjockey. Better to be safe.
Holy fuck these are funny posters.
Under Ordinary Curcumstances
I am happy to let Gabriel be your source for hyperbolic boosterism where our merchandise is concerned, but I do need to establish that the Cardboard Tube Samurai shirts are the best shirts mankind has produced. It's been a long road, species - but if nothing else, you can at least say the shirts were good.
I thought I would share the stats with you for the Nintendo Ad as of 12:00 noon. Keep in mind it just went up this morning.