Transcending history and the world. A tale of souls and swords, eternally retold....
MoO3 Pizatch
Savvy readers have directed me towards this Data Patch for Master of Orion 3, which is impossible to find unless someone reveals it to you. In any case, the patch I alluded to - one that resolves a fuck-ton of issues - is slated for later this month, as I understand it.
Enemy Territory
Though excited about the free expansion to Return To Castle Wolfenstein, there really wasn't a whole lot of information about what it would actually represent. This new article explains a lot - and details some intriguing choices.
Has This Ever Happened To Yoo
As today's strip illustrates, we do not have a hobby that can be discussed in polite company. Walking near the metal detector for my flight to Kansas City, I wisely truncated a tale I had begun regarding "hunting men." It really is nothing to us, it's as though we're talking about "the game" or what have you, but the terminology and graphic depictions we gleefully relate are actually fairly hideous to the other people in line for groceries.
Point Of Information
Ross Mills just let me know about the new Matrix Trailer, if you haven't already seen it. Hot damn.
Ben Davis!
He wanted me to wish him a happy birthday, and now I am doing that. I apologize to anyone who came here looking for actual content!
You probably know her best as "That one girl who took those pictures with the REZ vibrating thing on her Bajingo." Her name is actually Jane and she also happens to be the editor of Game Girl Normally I don't design mascots for other sites but I figured that I owed her on behalf of fan boys everywhere for her REZ article. So when she asked me I said I'd do it, and I'm really happy with the way it came out. She is working on a new site design now to incorporate the new mascot but I figured I'd just post a picture of the drawing here in the meantime.
I'm busy
People keep asking why I have not been posting more. It's because I am working on a top secret Penny Arcade project. I wish I could tell you what it is, but it has been classified omega code red alpha...which is like super secret. Back to work now.
From The Desk Of
Yunsung = SC2 Hwang. He's not as much of a Xianghua ripoff in this one, but they're more or less the same chars, far as I know.
(Fred) Savage
I keep up with Savage for the many reasons I always tell you I do. Hybrid gameplay, etc. The site just launched for it has some interesting specifics about structures the commander can build, as well as other things like autonomous "creeps" (to utilize War3 jargon) that roam the maps.
Under the guise of letting me know about a bad link in the post, Travis Addington of the City Of Doors Initiative let me know about his group's attempts to bring Planescape and Neverwinter Nights into greater harmony. I own every Planescape book TSR ever produced, so obviously I support their endeavors one hundred percent. More than that, if possible.
Oh, There He Is
I'm prostrate before Scott Vaio this morning, as Comcast can't seem to get my packets from here to there. Or, I was prostrate before him, until he crashed, and now I'm using my main computer Czar to type in the post I wrote from the laptop's frozen screen. Then, I'll be burning this onto a CD (because apparently this floppy doesn't work) and uploading it from Scott after I restart him. Never let it be said that I am not dedicated to your edification and entertainment, dear reader!
Oh Yeah
My Favorites folder is just a non-stop carnival of Elf Dicks.
Just when I thought I would go the whole day without seeing any poorly rendered pencil drawings of elves with their dicks out... Thank you Tycho, you pull that one out of your favorites?
New Hookup
Storm Shadow lays it out with naughty photos of his new set-up, and dishes out cables to a young man in desperate need.