Along with some of the new songs they have listed, there are some play videos of Amplitude over at Freq dot com that you'd have to see to believe.
Made In Wario
I am routinely disappointed in our Ninformant.
The debate rages on in my mail box regarding Zelda and the mean things I said to the people who don't like it. You will notice that we have a new Zelda ad over on the right side of the page today. I think that those of you suggesting some kind of Nintendo Fanboyism on my part would do well to look at today's cartoon before you send me anymore mail on the subject. Tycho and I don't have any special loyalties to any companies...well besides Sprite. What we do is try and support good GAMES whether they be on the GC, the PS2 or God help us even on the XBox.
I also get good email...
I took a "History of Film" class once and the professor started out by saying that he didn't want to hear that we didn't like any of the movies he was going to show. "These movies are all great," he said. "If you don't like them, you are wrong. Quite frankly, if you think that the 'Mona Lisa' is a bad painting, it says more about you than it does about Da Vinci's skill as a painter."
Another winner from my mailbox...
I'm sorry I am so right all the time.
What gives you the right to call people's opinions stupid and wrong? They're called opinions for a reason.
it's not are just stupid.
Lots of people are telling me things like this:
Hee Hee
I made him post that mail, I thought that a phrase like "Wonderful Queerness" was too fantastic to keep to ourselves.
More on Celda!
A couple days ago I mentioned that I thought kids who did not like the new look of Zelda were just too immature to appreciate it. Then I got this e-mail:
I have gotten a few questions about what exactly we will have available at the Kansas City Comicon. I thought I would make a little posteroo here and break it down for you.
Why Elves Gots To Be Like That
It occurred to me that today's comic might be too specific to the new Zelda to post before the actual release, but then it occurred to me that that's how it works in practically every game. The money you find just laying around has to belong to somebody, even if you don't care who, and it's always in some fanciful pot or buried in some guy's lawn. It's been said that I am all about the rupees, and it's a charge I don't deny. My mind is constantly dominated by thoughts of their acquisition and expenditure.
Not Front a little
MC Frontalot has a new song up and it is shit hot. Check it out.
Homeworld 2 Wideo
Like many other people, I'm a big fan of Homeworld and the excellent Cataclysm expansion. If you haven't checked out that new video of the official sequel at Gamespot, you're really missing out.
Z3LD4? M0R3 L1k3 C3LD4!
We did a comic about it already but I think it's funny that I go for months without playing my Gamecube and then when I DO play it the game I play is amazing. From Mario Sunshine to Metroid to Zelda these are absolutely stellar titles. Zelda in particular stands out as one of the most polished gaming experiences I've ever had. Let the kids argue in their forums about its "new look" if they want to. They think it looks stupid or corny or whatever and that is to be expected. The fact is, most people don't appreciate art and that is what Zelda is. A group of children giggling in front of a nude painting doesn't mean it's a terrible painting. They simply are not sophisticated enough to appreciate it. It is the same with Zelda. Don't let the idiots dissuade you from picking up this game and enjoying it for what it is, an unparalleled and inspired work of interactive art.
Raven Shield
Despite what I saw on EB's website, Raven Shield - the latest game in the Rainbow Six series, and the first one I've ever actually grabbed - is out in stores now. Interesting review of it over at Gamespot, too.