We were supposed to be on with these guys a couple weeks ago, but we completely fucked it up. Here is the new info:
Uh Oh, Jack!
Check this article, real quick. I think you're going to like it.
And All Of It True
Jack Thompson really did call him, but I should tell you how that came to be.
KOA Shirts!
Kurtz posted his Panda Attack shirts today and so it seems only appropriate that I link our KOA shirts.
My email sig had my phone number in it. Jack actually just called and screamed at me for a couple minutes. He said if I email him again I will “regret it”. What a violent man.
Jack Thompson
You may have seen Jack’s proposal mentioned on various news sites. He’s offering 10 grand to charity if a game developer makes a game based on his insane proposal.
He didn’t say this because he doesn’t think that it matters to you guys but I think it’s important to mention that everyone is okay now. The baby is still in there cooking and doing baby stuff.
Tangled Webs And So Forth
I thought this one turned out well, but then again, it's more than sixty percent text. I would.
Trivial Addendum
We made a comic about it, but as I understand it there was an actual card sent to Kara on the topic. I suggested to Gabe that tab selecting enemies in that scenario was probably unwise, and he gave me a look that told me he'd had this conversation already, with someone else. Perhaps recently.
Heartfelt Sentiment
I was on my way into the office this morning when Tycho called me. He told me he would be coming in late today and he asked me to let you all know that his post would also be late. The reason he gave for his tardiness was acceptable so I suggest we all cut him some slack.
We Were Playing The Second Digital Devil Saga
We're playing through the second Digital Devil Saga, which we thought would be a good idea... for some reason. For a while there I celebrated the fact that I (or the natural erosion of a man's principles) had brought him into the genre. It hadn't occurred to me until recently that we're into it for entirely different reasons.
Aoineko: Press Start
When we went to the Spike TV Video Game Awards, the only thing I came away with was that I really wanted to have one of those strange video shorts that reinforces where you are.
Glorious New Garments
I think the idea originally was to whip up a few shirts for BlizzCon and be done with it, but maybe other people are interested in one of these designs as well?
We got an early copy of our book to look over yesterday and I took some pictures for you guys. The book is due to hit stores some time in January from what I am told. It contains all the comics from years 1 and 2 along with a bunch of original sketches from that period.
Dark Iron!
Well I finally hit 40 a couple nights ago and I got my mount. I see Kurtz hit 60 a little while ago, congratulations. Maybe if my strip was in black and white I’d be 60 as well ;) This is the first alt I’ve ever taken this far. My previous attempts at rolling new characters ended around level 14 or 15. I really don’t think it’s fair to call Dudefella an alt actually. Since starting on the Dark Iron server I haven’t once gone back and played my 60 Rogue on Cenarius. That says a lot about the quality of the players and the good natured rivalry between PA and PVP on the server.
This Year's Model
Electronic Arts appears to have dropped the ball on the newest iteration of Madden for the PSP, what is called Madden '06, from time to time they create some kind of workaround that doesn't work around, and there is a part of me that just thinks this is what you get for playing sports games.