Last night we delivered a little Christmas present to our Horde friends. Well we didn’t give them a present so much as we slaughtered them out in the Western Plaguelands and then chased them all the way back to the Under City before finally hijacking one of their zeppelins. Merry Christmas you filthy animals!

As you can see the action on Dark Iron is still hot. On the Alliance side we’ve got six or seven active PA guilds. The Fancy Lads, Knights of Arcadia, Annarchy, CTS Dojo, and Keepers of the Wang, are just a few. As far as I know they are all taking in new members so it’s not too late to get in on some of this Dark Iron fun. Each guild has its own rules for new members so the best thing to do is hit the PA guild forums over on the Knights of Arcadia website.
It looks like the ranks of our hated enemy the vile Pandas may be growing. According to Scott’s post they are offering to take in refugees from one of the other Horde guilds that recently collapsed. I think I speak for the rest of the PA alliance when I say that the more Pandas there are to kill the better.
Tycho talked about losing interest in WOW once he neared the end game content. I had a level 60 Rogue on Cenarius so I’m very familiar with the constant instance farming and reputation grinding. Honestly I don’t blame him and that’s why I chose to go a different route with Dudefella on Dark Iron. Instead of going after the Magisters set or some other instance drop I chose to set my sights on the PvP gear. I’ve been spending my nights killing Horde with my elite grew of PA guildies. As of right now I’m sitting at the rank of Knight-Lieutenant and hopefully tomorrow I’ll go up to Knight-Commander. The gear is awesome and I don’t have to do UD Strat runs every night.
As a pretty recognizable player on the Alliance side I spend a lot of time dead. I think I’ve been killed in just about every zone in fact. I’ve even died in the Iron Forge auction House if you can believe that shit. They literally sent rogues in to kill me. So now I’ve turned the tables, the gankee has become the ganker. Are those words? Grand Marshal here I come.
-Gabe out