It's only just occurred to me that what we do each year now around this time is to obliterate Christmas with an extended storyline.
Severe time constraints remain in effect as I'm sure you can imagine, and so - in an almost calgonian sense - I luxuriate in each unfettered moment I am allowed in those simulated realms. I've purchased and installed City of Villains to this end, as creating characters has become in a way my game of choice.
This was true before as well, when I lost myself (as sometimes happens) in City of Heroes. But trying to create compelling villains is actually a much more difficult affair than I realized. I'll go into that at some other time. I doubt very seriously you want to hear about my character over the course of several excruciating paragraphs.
My character John Legion. Ahem!
I had it in mind to try and create a final run on the Child's Play wishlists, but I don't know how exactly you could make this year a more extraordinary success. We're at over $420,000 already. I suppose I could exhort you to take us to $430,000, and don't let me dissuade you, but money is still coming in from companies and sites that pitched in which will take us very near to a "cool half-mil." My private objective was for Child's Play to reach a million dollars in donations over three years, and it's already done that. Of course, I say it has already done that, but it doesn't have the power to do anything. You have done it.
We aren't very well equipped these days to manage truly unironic sentiment. When we are overwhelmed by emotion, I believe it is the custom to make a very minute, nearly undetectable gesture - preferably inside a coat pocket or in a dark closet, hidden from view. Well, as a purveyor of bulk negativity the rest of the year, let me thank you in the most genuine, most absolute terms the hypertext markup language will allow. When I imagine the respite you have provided thousands of young people, the notion is so massive that I am nearly crushed beneath it.
(CW)TB out.
mr. pibb and red vines equals crazy delicious

December 21, 2005