So Dungeons and Dragons 4th edition will be coming out in eight days. You're probably wondering why I'm talking about this and not Tycho, seeing as I never played editions one through three. That's a good question, so here's what's up.
Wizards of the Coast came to us months ago and wanted to run some ads for 4th edition. They wanted to do something more than just banner ads though and they asked us if we had any cool ideas. What we came up with is probably one of my favorite projects to date. Tycho and I sat down at a table with Scott Kurtz from PvP and a DM from WOTC and we played 4th edition. That probably doesn't sound awesome to you except that we also recorded the entire thing as a podcast.
So you have Tycho who is the old pro, you have Scott who hasn't played since he was a kid and you have me the complete newb. If you've played D&D before but you're curious about the changes in 4th edition the podcast will cover a ton of the new rules. If you've never played and your curious if it's something you'd like, I think this is a really good example of the game. For me personally is was an extremely positive experience. There was some frustration at first as I tried to wrap my head around the rules but once I got into it I had a really good time. I think I actually enjoyed the adventuring/role playing portions of the game more than the actuall combat. The comabt was fun but it was the puzzle solving and interaction with the rest of the party that really made the game for me. At any rate if you're curious about D&D in general or 4th edition specifically I think these podcasts will be helpful and hopefully funny.
We ended up playing all day and then broke the podcast up into multiple chunks. The first of which went live today. Not only will WOTC be posting a new podcast each week but Scott and I will be creating a comic that follows the events of the adventure. There will be two panels accompanying each podcast, one drawn by me and one drawn by Scott. Today's podcast covers the start of the game as we name our characters and get our group set up. It also includes our first taste of combat and my very first official d20 roll ever. If you hit the WOTC site here you can grab the first show and see the first two panels of the comic. If you don't have one already, you will need to sign up for an account. It's free and pretty quick.