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The Fangspire, Part One

By Tycho – May 16, 2008

We ended up taking a shine to that exterminator we made for some reason, but since we like to retain our conceptual agility we thought it was time to return to the news. With Gabriel leaving town, we saw an opportunity to indulge ourselves in questions like "what happened in there, exactly?" There are three such indulgences, so hopefully we weren't the only people curious about these events, which take place in the womb of the Ancient Earth.

Holy F-ing S

By Tycho – May 15, 2008

Don't ask what: just click, and be enriched.

Left 4 Dead

By Tycho – May 14, 2008

I have played it, but it was under bizarre circumstances and I don't know if I can write about it. Suffice it to say they'd probably like what I wrote. This video is "must watch," though.


By Gabe – May 14, 2008

So our game will be launching very soon and in order to get you in the mood so to speak we made a little four page comic. In the game Gabe and Tycho own and operate the Startling Developments detective agency. The city of New Arcadia is trying to move into the future but it's still plagued by ancient horrors and dark magic. The study of the arcane has fallen out of fashion though as steam powered machines and other new technologies have captured the imaginations of the populace. The Startling Developments detective agency remains committed to investigating the strange and terrifying mysteries that the rest of New Arcadia refuses to acknowledge.


The Littlest Vigilante

By Tycho – May 14, 2008

Comic conventions often have a "free shit" table, and our booth was situated in such a way as to watch this locust swarm coalesce. We even had a chance to see this drama unfold, which we immediately transcribed to the surface of the table for future use.

Exciting News!

By Gabe – May 13, 2008

So we can finally announce that our game will be out on May 21st. IT will be released on Xbox Live as well as our own digital games store Greenhouse. If you do decide to download from Greenhouse you can grab one code that will give you access to the PC, Mac and Linux versions. I'm super excited to hear what you guys think. If you're looking forward to the game you should check out the new trailer over on the Xbox Live site.


By Tycho – May 12, 2008

I was really in a rush to put that post up, and it had a bunch of problems that needed to be resolved. Gabe was putting some points into the Wii to check out some of the new WiiWare stuff, and then an ostrich got in here some how, and shit got all fucked up.


Je Parle Un Peu

By Tycho – May 12, 2008

Gabe essentially began anti-anxiety medication and planned a trip for Paris in the same week, possibly even in the same moment, and as an observer - it is literally my job to observe - this was an intriguing process. He wasn't yet ensorcelled by the chemical, and yet with full awareness of his own agony he went through the previously unthinkable process of putting all this together. It must have been something like jumping from a plane with a strange backpack and a pamphlet entitled "Your Parachute." The hope was that his mind would be in the correct gear sometime before coming into contact with the Earth's crust.

SecuROM Update

By Tycho – May 9, 2008

EA has chosen to dial back the authentication requirements on both Spore and Mass Effect. It's still SecuROM, but it's the SecuROM most PC gamers have come to grudgingly accept as opposed to this new 1984 shit. (CW)TB

I Am Misting Up

By Tycho – May 9, 2008

I'd like to say just how overjoyed am that a word like "arrondissement" is floating around in one of his posts. I think I'm going to print it out. (CW)TB


Leaving on a jet plane

By Gabe – May 9, 2008

So I couldn't really mention it before because it was a surprise, but now the cat is out of the bag so I can talk about it. One of the other major reasons I decided to try the anti anxiety medication was that I wanted to surprise my wife with a trip to Paris for her birthday. I used get nervous just going downtown so going to a foreign country was never even a possibility. I've been on the medication for a while now though and I honestly feel like I'm ready for the trip.

Desperate Measures

By Tycho – May 9, 2008

Gamers don't agree on a whole hell of a lot. You can't even get them to agree that, in general, pirating software is bad. Some people simply won't concede it. Forget trying to convince them that it's bad - you'd have hard time getting some people to admit that, in some very rare cases, piracy is incrementally less than good. It's not difficult to find truly exultant tales of piracy that brim with the zeal of true nautical adventure. It is as though downloading illicit ISOs is the only way a man can truly exert his will on the flexing, undulating evil of a corrupt universe.

Kids Today

By Tycho – May 7, 2008

For the longest time, I labored under some pretty fanciful ideas about genitalia.