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PATV from yesterday

By Gabe – June 25, 2008

Thanks for all the nice emails about the art in today's strip. I recorded the live show yesterday so you can watch the entire process here:

Paint The Line, Part One

By Tycho – June 25, 2008

Gabriel's annual Fourth of July excursion usually forces us to resort to fetid continuity, the gnarled crutch of our craven enemies. But what if we could grip the beast by the neck - at arm's length - like some writhing asp? The snake metaphor disintegrates quickly.


By Gabe – June 24, 2008

The live stream will be starting at 12:30, so in just about half an hour. If you can't make the live shows but you still want to see the comic get drawn you can always hit the Ustream site here. I record and upload most of the shows.

The Deep Crow

By Gabe – June 23, 2008

I think this will be our San Diego Comic Con exclusive poster.


Where There Is No Light

By Tycho – June 23, 2008

I played Alone in the Dark quite often as a child, I guess you might call it the prequel. The text of most reviews generally registers some disappointment, coupled with the assertion that the game really is trying its best. That's is really all I want to know in advance of my purchase: that it swung for the fences, even if it became dizzy as a result.

one more time

By Gabe – June 22, 2008

Okay, since some people want to know here's the gist of my earlier posts.

1. The Daily Show did a joke about punching a baby but the baby was a dick. It's like a comic we did a long time ago but I think they probably arrived at it on their own. If they had included a bit about flipping off a box of kittens I'd be a little more worried.

2. We edited our newest D&D podcast to remove a couple of uh...inappropriate remarks. At one point someone said that "rape is a minor action." He did not mean to imply that the act of rape was not significant. He was simply saying that if, in the course of a D&D adventure you were to rape a goblin, that would be considered a "minor action" thus still allowing you to move and propose an attack.

-Gabe out


By Gabe – June 21, 2008

So the two posts I did have here were creating way too much mail for me. Maybe I didn't explain either one of them very well because I spent all day explaining to people what I meant. So I've replaced them with this post that I am hoping will generate significantly less confusion.

Don't forget to go pick up Deoxys at your local Gamestop this weekend.

The Gabriel Method

By Tycho – June 20, 2008

Because he is Gabriel, "My Pokemon Ranch" was swiftly purchased and installed. It is mostly a place for your Pokemon to hang out and terrorize Miis - at least, for a normal person. For others, the ranch is a kind of crucible.



By Gabe – June 19, 2008

The live stream will be starting in 10 to 15 minutes. If you can't make the live shows but you still want to see the comic get drawn you can always hit the Ustream site here. I record and upload most of the shows.


By Gabe – June 18, 2008

Lil' Gabe is 3 and a half now and so it's very important that we always have a ready supply of fruit snacks. If we're out shopping or at the bank or whatever, fruit snacks have the ability to soothe the savage three year old. We like to let Gabe pick out his own fruit snacks and he usually will choose Spider-Man or maybe SpongeBob. However I came home recently and found these in the pantry.

The Flavor Factor

By Tycho – June 18, 2008

The tools to create life, once largely proprietary, are now the domain of every Tom, Dick, And Harry. We don't have the full product, so our palette was wide but not nearly infinite. Leveraging the true mechanism, one can generate a (among other things) a thoroughly terrifying Deep Crow.


By Gabe – June 17, 2008

The live stream will be starting in 10 to 15 minutes. If you can't make the live shows but you still want to see the comic get drawn you can always hit the Ustream site here. I record and upload most of the shows.



By Gabe – June 16, 2008

We have some new shirts.

Grace In Defeat

By Tycho – June 16, 2008

We spent the weekend at the Darkmoon Faire, or at any rate its realspace equivalent. As people who enjoy the game but don't

On Perspective

By Tycho – June 13, 2008

If we are focusing the aperture exclusively on the gameplay, I can tell you in only a few words what I don't like about MGS. If I fail at sneaking, the game ceases to be Metal Gear. In the space of a second, it becomes an incredibly clumsy action game. The boss battles are comprised almost entirely of this other system, a mechanism that has now been exposed for what it is: a punishment.

Spore Creature Creator

By Tycho – June 12, 2008

Brian Crecente over at Kotaku attempted to put together a Fruit Fucker with the tool, and the results are surprisingly accurate.  It's substantially more disturbing than the original in two key respects:  first, the entire creature is sheathed in moist flesh.  Second, where one would ordinarily find its steel prong, there is instead a drooping sharkmouth full of razor sharp fangs.