Healthy sheen?

Healthy sheen?
I would like to set the record straight. First of all my goatee, at least in real life is not patchy or “theoretical”. It’s quite the opposite in fact. I would call it lush, full and with a healthy sheen.
I've pretty much had it with Gabriel's Goddamn, patchy little beard. For one thing, it's not a beard. It's not uniform in any way. He looks like his prepubescent evil twin. This isn't some comic shit I'm talking about, I'm talking about this weird almost hair all over his real chin in the real world.
Or even its liquid form, magma. It's yogurt.
Just to clarify, I am not going to start taking Ativan daily to regulate my anxiety. I happen to like being crazy. I am simply taking a couple before my dentist appointment so I don’t piss my drawers.
He's right about that much - community wise, we're talking about some interactions on par with Counter-Strike. Namely, a parade of insulting, officious children who believe themselves the gatekeepers of their imaginary realm. I don't deny it. On the other hand, Gunbound is really fun, so I'm not about to give anonymous assholes veto power over my amusement.
Kara and I spent the weekend watching Firefly on DVD and Playing Final Fantasy X2.
This ought to wrap up the roleplaying thing. The group I actually play with was wondering if they might make an appearance, but years of roleplaying experience has taught me that it's really not wise to piss off your cleric.
But Justin at Game Game Girl Advance actually managed to do it. This is all in regards to the Nintendo DS, by the way.
It is precisely because of things like this Nintendo DS stuff that continuity in a gaming comic is inadvisable. Profound events emerge from nowhere, just when you're lacerating your most loyal readers - but we're staying the course. Did you hear that Thief III will have a third-person mode? We're staying the course.
Page Six is available, just like I said.
Wouldn't you know it, the second I declare with certainty that nothing is happening, things immediately begin to stir.
Though it may well ransom my eternal soul, we even now consort with demonic powers in the production of a heinous act of continuity. I would cross myself, but I can never remember how that is supposed to go, and I don't want to risk hell for doing it backwards. Consorting with, you know, demons notwithstanding.
The new The Hook Up can be found here. Stormy also wanted you to know that his mail has been messed up, that's sort of my fault actually, but if you had a question for him regarding the nexus of gaming and home theater do not hesitate to run it by him.
There is a review of our site over at Comixpedia. I have no material complaints with it, and they were kind - perhaps almost deferent - to what we try to accomplish. I don't know how to feel about the position we occupy in the context of Webcomics, I honestly try not to think about it. The one thing I do know, we could kill another webcomic creator in cold blood and get away with it.
Where I was initially resolved to merely tolerate the Van Helsing trailer, the two hundred subsequent viewings have warmed me to it considerably. Using crosses as weapons is not only reverent, it's awesome. Van Helsing is demonstrably a bad-ass, even loose coalitions of superheroes and satellites are no match for him under theoretical conditions. Though, I will concede that the inclusion of absolutely every monster ever does gild the lily a bit.