The Emerald City and Uber cons occur simultaneously, but since Ubercon is in New York and Emerald City con is down the street from me, we're going to New York. We'll still have a booth at Emerald City though, staffed by the incomparable Porkfry, and he'll have the shirts you could buy online if our store wasn't always broken. Sorry about all this, but we feel like we sort of let the eastern part of the nation down when we had to bow out of Otakon before.
A Good Plan, In Theory
Many people wrote into tell us about the Playstation 3 that recently appeared (and then disappeared) from eBay. We were like, Playstation 3? That old thing? Man, we're past that shit.
They Cancelled Uru Live, It Looks Like
They're saying that there really wasn't the subscriber interest to support it, and while I find that sort of depressing it wouldn't surprise me in the least. The whole thing was really high concept, placed high demands on their technology, and had somewhat ethereal elements to it. I've heard Uru Live's functionality referred to as a sort of "chat room," which is a claim so ridiculous that I hardly know how to characterize it. My vocabulary is an arsenal, and I can't produce a comparable understatement.
Congratulations, Guys
I've been wondering when it would happen, and it looks like it just did. Trauma Studios - the guys behind the extraordinary Desert Combat mod for Battlefield 1942 - just got tapped to work on an official project. They deserve it.
You Might Not Be An IGN Insider
And are, therefore, unable to see the reviewer's response to the thread created by the above post. Hopefully it won't displease anyone if I simply re-post it here, for the sake of balance.
Lock Your Doors
There's a wonderful snack that's easy to make, the portable party they call the "cup-cake." But who knew that we lived in the long shadow cast by these treats?
One Night In Azeroth
World of Warcraft has matured a lot since I saw it two years ago at E3, and what I hear from the more loquacious testers is that even in its alpha state it has more content than they've ever seen in a (whatever acronym for Massively Multiplayer games the cool kids are using now). I'd like to believe that, because I'm one of the faithful, but Everquest has at least forty expansions out - one of which takes place entirely on the surface of a turnip, where players can do the the sorts of things a person on a turnip would do. I guess the turnip is evil? I don't really play EQ.
I am assuming that you all have been directed to the human beat box video. If not here you go. The guy is totally fucking awesome, no doubt about that. He takes a couple of his bits from a guy named Rahzel though. The “if your mother only knew” part is one example. I’m not saying that’s bad I’m just saying that if you liked what you heard you can find Rahzel all over iTunes.
Penny Arcade Presents
The eighth and final page of our Rainbow Six comic is now online. Those of you who have been reading it a page a week might enjoy re-reading the entire thing from the beginning now.
Thank God
That Call of Duty patch just hit - you can grab it here. I didn't see anything in the patch notes about Punkbuster support, that must be coming in a future thing.
One Other Thing
Turn off the character voices in Silent Storm. Trust me.
Them Bones
What The Hell Are You Talking About
Healthy sheen?
Let's talk about hair asshole
I would like to set the record straight. First of all my goatee, at least in real life is not patchy or “theoretical”. It’s quite the opposite in fact. I would call it lush, full and with a healthy sheen.
Shaving Is Not Difficult Or Time Consuming
I've pretty much had it with Gabriel's Goddamn, patchy little beard. For one thing, it's not a beard. It's not uniform in any way. He looks like his prepubescent evil twin. This isn't some comic shit I'm talking about, I'm talking about this weird almost hair all over his real chin in the real world.
Year Four Isn't Volcanic Rock
Or even its liquid form, magma. It's yogurt.