Hawk from Applegeeks.com was cool enough to color the Ninja Gaiden drawing I posted yesterday. He’s got a real nice high res version of it available over on his site for anyone interested in using it as a wallpaper. Hawk does awesome work and it was a real treat to have him color one of my drawings.
Vietnam Is Actually Kind Of Complex
Jesus, so what do I talk about today? UT2004 retail? Battlefield Vietnam? Pandora Tomorrow? I know a shit ton about Pandora Tomorrow, I could probably go on all day. The comic's about Battlefield, though - I suppose that's as good as anything.
I may not respond to all the mail I get, but I do read it all. I’ve gotten quite a few requests for a Ninja Gaiden drawing. Since I happen to be totally hooked on the game myself I am more than happy to deliver a little Ryu Hyabusa drawing.
Torun Jax, Blind Jedi
I mean, they fight using extrasensory perception. Just because he can't read the back of a cereal box doesn't make him any less dangerous.
WSA chat
I just wanted to mention that Tycho and I will be taking part in a panel this Monday evening at Digipen. We will be discussing online games along with Geoff Zatkin from Monolith Productions. It costs ten bucks if you aren’t a WSA member, and you can register to attend right here. There isn’t a lot of space, so if listening to us yap about games for a couple hours sounds like fun to you, I recommend signing up ASAP.
Splinter Cell Comic Is Up
You can check it out, if you want - look for it in the downloads section, along with the two alternate covers(!!!). Making a Splinter Cell story, even a side story like the one we're doing, is something I honestly consider a priviledge. We chose to dramatize a round of the multiplayer mode, and there's more than enough material there to work with.
The Hipness Threshold
I was amazed to find that Charles was the most requested sketch at the Ubercon. Why does the East love him so? I have no idea. At any rate, after our recent experience at the Apple Store it seemed like a good opportunity to utilize the character and (potentially) bring pleasure to an entire coast.
I just got a mail from Jason Gavin, one of the guys behind the new show Game Over. He asked if I could pass along some info to you guys since tonight is the big premier of their show on UPN. Here is what he had to say:
A Common Ailment
If the internal browser is any indication, they've really struck a chord with Unreal Tournament 2004's Onslaught. It certainly struck a chord with me.
Okay, about fourty-five minutes and seven hundred emails later I think I have a pretty clear idea of what you guys think about more “news” posts. It’s actually pretty cool how much alike all your answers were. I’d say about 99% of the emails I got sounded pretty much like this one:
I am kind of curious if you guys find stuff like the above post valuable. There are so many sites out there that post news, I just never figured it was something we needed to do. I mean, we are on all the same lists that these other sites are on. I get the same press releases they do. Would you guys like it if we posted this sort of thing more often?
Digital Extremes just sent me a press release about their new title, Pariah. Generally I don’t post this sort of thing here but they attached some really cool screen shots. Here is a snippet from the release:
They Took Down The Pictures
A Brief Index Of Difficulty
Shit damn Ninja Gaiden is hard, it's so hard that your friends will die. It's also completely great - once you've gone a few levels, just start a new game real quick and take a look at the guys you thought were bad-asses before. Those guys are feather pillows compared to the beasts and murderers you rub up against later.
I just wanted to let you all know that page 2 of our four page Painkiller comic is now available(click on downloads).
If It Ain't Broke
Picked up Phantasy Star Online 3 Wednesday, and it ain't bad. Humans seemed surprised when I claimed enthusiasm regarding the card-oriented gameplay shift, heresy of heresies, but by now it's probably clear that I could replace anything, everything in the world with a card that represents it and feel nothing but pleasure. Conceptually, yes, I do like the idea that the events of even the prior PSO games could be described by the card metaphor - that the structures and definitions retain meaning across a mechanical shift. As all this poetry here might imply, I was ready and waiting for a new interpretation of the game.