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The Next Generation

By Tycho – January 31, 2005

As might have just become apparent, we're thinking about trying something different for this year's E3 strips. And also, it's kind of hard to like earnest young Ann, who herself seems to like The Merch. But that's not outside the statistical tolerance of her demographic.

you guys are great

By Gabe – January 28, 2005

Speaking of Legal prickwaving I have a funny story that I forgot to share with you guys. You might remember a while back I mentioned that there was an issue between me and a local radio program called the BJ Shea show. You can read all my posts from that day right here if you'd like. Essentially one of the companies doing PR for Child's Play set up an interview with this guy and then forgot to tell me about it until it was too late. I called up and apologized but the guy was a real jerk to me.Then he said a bunch of bullshit about me on his show and eventually I called up and we yelled at each other, which I thought was super fun. Kara said you could hear me screaming like three rooms away "YOU'RE NOT EVEN DRIVE TIME!"

Nondenomenational Well Wishing

By Tycho – January 28, 2005

This is an actual fight we get in every time something irritates his nasal mucous membrane. I've tried to tell him that Jehovah and I are kind of on the outs, and that I probably can't act as a conduit for holy favor. You know what I mean? I'm not really what you'd call sanctified. The contents of my bookmarks alone will keep me from those golden shores.

Seriously, People

By Tycho – January 26, 2005

Penny Arcade, working out exclusivity deals with (the admittedly dwindling number of) videogame publishers? Are you guys out of your minds?


Galciv II

By Tycho – January 26, 2005

Galactic Civilizations was an extremely satisfying star empires game that did pretty much everything I wanted from the genre, and converted many from the Master of Orion III camp. That it was essentially an independent game I could purchase directly from developer Stardock is also something I appreciated.


By Gabe – January 26, 2005

The Exquisite Flavour Of Exclusivity

By Tycho – January 26, 2005

One can hardly keep up with the level of consolidation and treachery in the industry anymore. My interest lies more in what these companies produce, so by and large I'm content just let them slink around in the dark and kill each other. Product, not production. To cite just one example, I'm interested in fruit - but not botany or agriculture. So there you have it.

Blizzard Interview

By Tycho – January 24, 2005

I mentioned last week that we sent a fairly terse set of questions over to Blizzard. They're a lot more direct than developers are used to receiving. The crazy thing is, the answers we got back were a lot more direct than the interviews out there usually receive. Funny, that.


Die Fantastischen Vier

By Tycho – January 24, 2005

Last night in my guild chat window, I referred to the Fantastic Four trailer as grotesque - which I believe puts me in the running for biggest Goddamn nerd ever. It's a post whose rigors I plan to take very seriously. One of the responsibilities I've inherited is the creation of smart-alecky comic strips, which impugn the motives of potentially noble people.

Absolutely Critical Trivia

By Tycho – January 21, 2005

Today's product covers many subjects of interest and import to our demographic, not the least of which is the latest salvo in the Marvel vs City of Heroes thing.

more about prints

By Gabe – January 19, 2005

Okay, so I’ve been getting a lot of mail about the prints that we will have available at Emerald City Comic Con. I am aware that people have started selling their prints on eBay already and I knew that was bound to happen. There really isn’t anything I can do about it since they own the print they can do whatever they want with it. However, I want to avoid a situation where someone comes to ECCC and buys 25 prints and then just puts them all up for auction. The best way we can think of to avoid something like that is to limit the number of prints one person can buy to two. That way you can come and buy your print and if you have a friend who can’t make it you can pick up one more.

more on the prints

By Gabe – January 19, 2005

Okay, so I’ve been getting a lot of mail about the prints that we will have available at Emerald City Comic Con. I am aware that people have started selling their prints on eBay already and I knew that was bound to happen. There really isn’t anything I can do about it since they own the print they can do whatever they want with it. However, I want to avoid a situation where someone comes to ECCC and buys 25 prints and then just puts them all up for auction. The best way we can think of to avoid something like that is to limit the number of prints one person can buy to two. That way you can come and buy your print and if you have a friend who can’t make it you can pick up one more.


More on the prints

By Gabe – January 19, 2005

Okay, so I’ve been getting a lot of mail about the prints that we will have available at Emerald City Comic Con. I am aware that people have started selling their prints on eBay already and I knew that was bound to happen. There really isn’t anything I can do about it since they own the print they can do whatever they want with it. However, I want to avoid a situation where someone comes to ECCC and buys 25 prints and then just puts them all up for auction. The best way we can think of to avoid something like that is to limit the number of prints one person can buy to two. That way you can come and buy your print and if you have a friend who can’t make it you can pick up one more.


By Gabe – January 19, 2005

Thank you for mailing me and letting me know what you think of the prints. A few people had problems with bending during transit but Think Geek is taking care of those cases. Overall it seems like everyone was blown away by the print once they got it. Pictures really don't do it justice. The laser etching process gives the whole image a sort of glow that is really awesome. I'm really glad that everyone who got one is pleased with the final product. As always we learned a lot from this first limited edition print and we're going to change some things next time.


By Tycho – January 19, 2005

I'm aware that Blizzard credited all accounts two days of free play because of this weekend's difficulties - and I appreciate it. I don't like saying mean things. On the other hand, I like to tell the truth. Sometimes those two drives conflict.