Just a quick note that we did pick up Tekken 5 today and it’s hot. It really feels like a return to the good old days of Tekken, before the weird shit they tried to pull with 4. It also looks incredible. I had seen Virtua Fighter 4 on the PS2 so I thought I sort of knew what the machine was capable of. The graphics here are way above what I thought the PS2 could handle. We’re gonna spend some more time with it, but my initial impressions are that it’s the best Tekken game to date.
Just Got Musical Guests Squared Away
Hey, so we know who all is going to be playing at PAX this year:
Ripped From Today's Headlines, Pt . 3
We continue to Rip from today's headlines here, where we learn the cut of Robert Greasy's jib. Spoiler: the cut is somewhat nefarious. It is an ambitious, mercenary jib.
I like Pina Coladas
Today is the birthday of Rupert Holmes, the man responsible for the second greatest song ever written. His song “Escape” also known as “The Pina Colada Song” is a work of genius.
There Is A New Brothers In Arms Page Mang
That's all I'm saying.
Tekken and stuff
Page four of our eight page Brothers in Arms comic book is up. This is actually my favorite page. The game actually drops this week if you’re interested.
I think it’s important to note that the following paragraph contains a link to what the ladies call “pornography”. A lot of people mail me and ask how they know if their webcomic strip is successful. I think that when your merchandise is worn by one of the internet’s most popular models in an erotic photo shoot, you can safely assume you have attained some small measure of success.
Ripped From Today's Headlines, Pt. 2
Ripp'd From Today's Headlines continues. See? What did I tell you. Not bleak or anything. Well, it's a little bleak. But it's not inaccurate.
If you can't laugh at a man accidentally killing the woman he loves, then what can you laugh at? Honestly if you didn't laugh at today's comic strip that's okay. It just means you're a decent human being. If you did laugh at the strip then I guess I'll see you in whatever special level of hell is reserved for people like us. We probably won't recognize each other though, since our bodies will be covered in weeping sores. Saying hello will also be difficult with a mouth full of bees. Maybe we can just nod at each other before we are dunked in boiling pitch by cackling horned demons.
Ripped From Today's Headlines, Pt . 1
What's this? Oh no! I'd be happy to leave it like this, of course - but it does actually go somewhere. The title of the strip might give you a clue as to where exactly that might be. I think Gabriel drawed this one purty-like.
Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich Demo
It's up a day early over at Fileplanet, and not just for them fancy dancy paying members neither. I've got about half of it so far.
Probably My Fault
Everytime I think I understand the way things are supposed to go on the new box, I fuck it up. The post was way late, and not because I was just lazy this time, which you could be forgiven for thinking. A direct link to the strip can be found here. I don't know why it's not showing up and I am thinking of joining a Luddite farming commune.
A Raucous Platform Duo
Gabe's had to replace a couple Xboxes, and there were well over a hundred at PAX, and we've never seen one catch on fire, or shoot lava out the back, or whip its power cord around like a scorpion tail. But the mental images generated by this Boomtown article were too rich to pass up. It's my understanding that there have been thirty or so cases out of 14.1 million units shipped, so it seems unlikely your entertainment center will become a tower of flame anytime in the next ten minutes.
I Knew I Had Forgotten Something
Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat hits next month as well, the fourteenth I think, and my excitement for it hasn't abated detectably since I saw it at E3. Of course, it's true that I relish any opportunity to utilize those bongos - but there is something valid and pure about the game in its own right. Check out these videos if you aren't sure how it could be fun.
Child's Play update
We recently received a batch of photos from the Texas Children’s Hospital. They took some pictures of the toys as they arrived as well as some kids playing with their new Gameboys.
More downtime last night as we tightened up a few things. With each catastrophic system failure I feel more sympathy toward Blizzard.