Thanks to everyone for the happy birthday mails, I do appreciate it. A few of you asked so I'll go ahead and admit that I am turning 30 today. Kara and some of my friends orchestrated a crazy surprise party for me over the weekend. I thought we were just going to see a movie but when we walked into the theatre it was packed with all my friends and family. It's funny the movie we had gone to see was the Brothers Solomon. It was so fucking bad that we actually asked the theatre to turn it off. I've walked out of bad movies before but asking the projectionist to burn the film was a new one. We ended up at my favorite steak house afterwards and then finished the night at Gameworks. It was one of the best days I've ever had and I really can't thank Kara and my friends enough for setting it all up. I guess I'm supposed to be old now or at least scared that I'm getting old. It's funny because at the party my presents included a bag full of Pokemon cards (scored a Holon Farmer!), A Star Wars play set, and a silver DS. I got a bunch of other cool toys too and someone joked that in a couple years my son and I will be getting the same presents. I think the problem a lot of people have is they think they need to outgrow toys. I really don't think getting older matters as long as you never stop playing.
The surprise party was obviously unexpected. What I had actually asked to do for my birthday is going down tomorrow night (Wedensday the 26th). It just so happens that one of my favorite artists is playing downtown. Kara and I are going to see David Wilcox at the triple door and I'm beyond excited. Tycho actually mentioned him in a post a while ago about his favorite music. If you live in the area and you're into the whole singer/storyteller sort of thing I highly recommend his show.
So thanks again for the B-Day wishes and maybe I'll see some of you tomorrow night at the show.
-Gabe out