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By Tycho – August 10, 2009

This, from the dude who thinks it's okay to have sex with unconscious women.  That must be considered the "ultimate" technique, something akin to true mastery.

oh come on

By Gabe – August 10, 2009

I think you're being overly dramatic. Girls have been using their "feminine wiles" to manipulate men since the beginning of time. Do you really think the mind games girls play on guys are any better or worse than this stuff. The only difference is that this sort of thing comes naturally to women. Guys are in a tight spot because in very real terms, we have nothing they want. They on the other hand, have vaginas. They can make us do pretty much what ever they want. I don't see anything wrong with guys trying to learn some tricks of their own. 

I Would Read That Page Again

By Tycho – August 10, 2009

I'm fairly certain the purpose of this course is to make you a better predator of women.  Check out their offers of "in-field training," as though you were going to hunt antelopes from a jeep in the Goddamned Savannah.   


By Gabe – August 10, 2009

I don't know, Love Systems doesn't seem so bad to me. It's really hard to talk to girls, and this is just helping guys with their confidence. Women are terrifying and strange, I don't see anything wrong with getting some advice.


Automata, Page Six

By Tycho – August 10, 2009

Page Six, which can be found here, completes the first chapter of Automata. The project itself directly expresses a fairly narrow band of the universe, hopefully enough to make you curious about the rest of it, and how this came to be the state of play.

1 vs 100

By Tycho – August 7, 2009

After we expressed some enthusiasm for the show recently, the people behind 1 vs 100 Live asked us if we wanted to come on there and co-host - and we did not deny them.  I'm about to jump in the car and head over there, and it seemed like a reminder might be in order.  The show starts at seven o'clock tonight, Pacific Standard Time.

Tekken Project

By Tycho – August 7, 2009

We did a six page Tekken piece, one that begins like this, and then - if you can believe it - becomes even more ridiculous.


Automata, Page Five

By Tycho – August 7, 2009

Page Five of Automata is here, followed by the final page (which we're thinking of calling "Page Six") on Monday.

1 vs. 100

By Gabe – August 5, 2009

This is just a quick note to say that Tycho and I will be guests on 1 vs. 100 this friday on Xbox Live. The "show" starts at 7:00 and we'll be there the entire time with the host Chris Cashman. There will be some PA related questions in the mix and you'll be able to call in and shoot us questions. 

This is great

By Gabe – August 5, 2009

A reader has taken the time to actually produce the above radio show. I thought he did an awesome job:


my D&D game

By Gabe – August 4, 2009

My D&D game last night was an epic one. I called it the season finale because it wrapped up a story-line that started on their very first encounter. They have also reached level 11 which is a major milestone and so I wanted the game to be especially dramatic. 

My Neo Geo for Child's Play

By Gabe – August 3, 2009

You might remember me talking about my Neo Geo Arcade machine here on the site a few times. I saved it from an arcade that was remodeling and fixed it up. It's been very good to me over the years, but it will not be making the trip over to our new office. Instead I have decided to auction it off for Child's Play. You can find the Auction here. You must be local and you must be able to come get it. Other than that, I only ask that you give her a good home, and treat her well. 

Automata, Page 3

By Tycho – August 3, 2009

Automata returns. Again! This series ends on Monday, if you were wondering - after which we will indulge in a full week of surprising (and inappropriate) Falcon Pawnches.