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In Too Deep

By Tycho – August 9, 2010

There are multiple ways to watch Inception, just as there are multiple ways to see it. It has that "movie-as-game" process of narrative detangling that you get with Memento (also by Nolan) or Primer. Gabriel resisted investigating the ideas of the film initially, and while that isn't necessarily courageous Inception is a movie that can work under those conditions. It didn't last long: soon, my inbox was playing host to links of a spoilerian nature and lowercase treatises commingling lucid dreaming, Zoroastrian prophecy, and the secret menu from In-N-Out Burger.

The Reptile Of Choice

By Tycho – August 6, 2010

Gabriel finished his last book during the San Diego trip, and so he's been on the prowl for a new one, which is always a dangerous time. The last one managed to combine:

The Armageddon Doctrine

By Tycho – August 4, 2010

Did you know that there was a time when our website played host to comics of a "humorous" nature, japes of a merry sort, which dealt with popular culture in general and electronic games in particular? Return with me, friends, to those ancient times. The truth is even more savage, and brutal, and savage: we're considering a bump to a single medium opponent. I have written a will.


We're Closing Down The Store (Not Forever!)

By Tycho – August 2, 2010

We decided to get our own warehouse up here in Seattle, for lots of reasons, but primarily to have after-hours shootouts with The Triads.  Brian and Robert are heading down to Austin next week to pick up all the stuff and move it up, but while they are in transit, you can take advantage of INCREDIBLE SAVINGS!  The store closes down on the 6th - yes, in like four days - but if you enter the code mov1ng when you check out, you'll get ten percent off everything you buy.  I didn't mean for that second part to be bolded, that just happened in the editor somehow, but I might as well leave it because that's important information.  

Child's Play And PATV Stuff

By Tycho – July 30, 2010

Child's Play is incredibly vast, so vast that - even though Gabriel and I ostensibly created it - it extends far beyond our influence. That's how it had to be: in order for it to endure, it needs its own strength. But it's still surprising for me to realize the extent of its autonomy sometimes. The toy drive used to be the focus, but Child's Play is a banner now for a broad array of charitable impulses. For example.


Blood And Oil, Part Three

By Tycho – July 28, 2010

I've got more blood for you, and also more oil, in the ongoing series we're calling Blood And Oil - here's part three. This is a guest work; we did not draw or write this. I'm not entirely certain we could.

P To The A To The T And Also V

By Tycho – July 26, 2010

The new Episode of PATV went up on Friday, but I forgot to link it, because my mind body connection had been severed.  It is good, and funny, and good!  Please to enjoy.  Also, strip's up as well.  It's fucking incredible.   

Blood And Oil, Part Two

By Tycho – July 26, 2010

It may be wise if, going forward, you think of the ongoing Blood & Oil series as something which needs to slow roast; the strip will be here, but the RSS feed will be your best friend regarding updates to the site. Once again: Blood & Oil is an Automata story written by Gary Whitta and powerfully realized by Ben Caldwell. It's in five parts, running all this week and into next Monday. Buckle up.

Blood And Oil, Part One

By Tycho – July 23, 2010

Today marks the debut of a guest Automata "event," drawn by the incomparable Ben Caldwell and "Book of Eli" scribe Gary Whitta. We don't have any right to talent like this, and giving the site over to them for a week or so will probably get you accustomed to work of genuine quality, at which point they will usurp us and we will have to get new jobs.


The S Word

By Tycho – July 21, 2010

The room scenario described in the strip is brutally mega-real. My response was to haul out the big guns. Actually, it's my policy to leverage the big guns exclusively. I had a few little guns for awhile, and I sent them back. "Won't be needing these," I said.

Planting A Flag

By Tycho – July 19, 2010

Gabriel specializes in names like "Mantis Eaglehawk," that is to say, names that puncture the carefully calibrated drama of their setting. He has retained Dudefella lo these many years, long enough for me to substitute "Du'defaella" in my mind whenever I see it, with its notes of an elven upbringing grimmed with the dust of prophecy.