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Meet Your Omeganauts

By Tycho – August 27, 2010

The wardrums have already begun to pound, and if you are able to interpret the message encoded deep in their rhythm, you'll hear a tale of warriors - and their terrible battlegrounds.  The warriors I was referring to are:

Room 418

By Tycho – August 27, 2010

We saw an incredible Craigslist ad when we were getting ready to write the strip, an ad which quickly became the strip we were trying to make. Another ad went up shortly thereafter, in response. Also good!

Let's go to the phones!

By Gabe – August 25, 2010

I have gotten almost 300 responses so far! There is simply no way I can post all the great mails I am getting. Here is are a few that echo what a lot of people seem to be saying. I this interesting? Do you want me to post some more?

Let's talk about this...

By Gabe – August 25, 2010

My Twitter and my email are both exploding today. People on both sides of the used game debate arer crazy passionate about this. If Penny Arcade was a talk radio show this would be a perfect time to “go to the phones”. Since we can’t do that I’d like to do the next best thing.


Words And Their Meanings

By Tycho – August 25, 2010

I had a different reaction to the "fightin' words" of THQ's Cory Ledesma than most. I have a different reaction to lots of things, probably. But this in particular.

D&D Essentials

By Gabe – August 24, 2010

I received an early copy of the new Dungeons and Dragons Red Box last week and quickly wrangled a group of friends for a trial run. The game consisted of my wife Kara who has only played 4e a handful of times. My friend Alex who has played in my Monday night game for nearly two years now (Holy shit has it really been that long!). The dashing Kris Straub of Chainsaw Suit fame with his months of 4e experience and his lady friend Marlo who had never played a game of D&D in her life. I want to mention my players because I think that your level of familiarity with the game will shape your opinion of Essentials.

Traditional Values

By Tycho – August 23, 2010

You might have heard of D&D Essentials already; I don't really know what to think of it yet. Billed as a streamlined yet compatible version of Dungeons & Dragons, it makes a virtue of speed at every level of play. It's not hard to find thoughts out there on it, but I couldn't contextualize them because I don't know what's true.


By Tycho – August 20, 2010

Nobody likes artists, and who can blame them? When they aren't challenging your preconceptions or whatever, or renouncing the boundary between being and nonbeing, they're beating you at games with their nigh mystical bullshit.


The RIAAl World

By Tycho – August 18, 2010

As is often the case, you can read a truncated, insulting version of a story somewhere else or you can go to Ars Technica.


By Tycho – August 16, 2010

Colloquially, people either refer to it as Precipice or Rainslick.  Does that mean something, I wonder?  Is one of these types of people from Venus?  It's impossible to know.  

Lego Creationary

By Gabe – August 16, 2010

My son is a convicted Lego Maniac. This weekend we were at Toys R Us and saw a game called Creationary which looked pretty much like Pictionary but with Lego. We played it a few times this weekend and I still think that’s a good way to describe it.

Something Which Actually Happens

By Tycho – August 16, 2010

Attempting to experience as broad a swath of the medium as I can - to maximize my usefulness to you, but also, you know, video games - it's still entirely possible for me to miss things. The worst part is that if I actually like any of the games I'm playing, which is a nice outcome, another game must inexorably lose. That's how it was with the original Mafia, considered something of a holy text by many PC enthusiasts, and something I skimmed at best. I don't intend to miss it on the second go 'round.


Tragedy is when I cut my finger.

By Gabe – August 13, 2010

What surprised me most about some of the reactions to our Dickwolf joke was not that people were offended. But that this was the comic that offended them. In each case the emails I got started with something like “I’ve been a long time fan” or “Been reading the comic for years...” and then they go into how this particular comic really bothered them.

Breaking It Down

By Tycho – August 13, 2010

Reaction to Wednesday's comic fell, conveniently for my purpose, into two camps: those who found a phrase like "raped by dickwolves" a stunning return to form, and those who felt that we were somehow advocating the actual rape of human beings.  It sounds as though we've already satisfied the first camp, but an effort should certainly be made to assuage the latter.

The Sixth Slave

By Tycho – August 11, 2010

Something that is discussed with some frequency around here is how the quickly an MMO reverts to its default state, ready for the next bus-full of level appropriate tourists to do whatever that zone desperately requires. Whenever something happens outside this cycle - like WoW's phasing (which gets fairly elaborate by the time Cataclysm rolls around) or a dynamic party matching up against a tough public quest in WAR - it's exhilarating. And then you go collect your hooves.