As per usual, Mega64 isn't afraid to tackle the tough issues.

As per usual, Mega64 isn't afraid to tackle the tough issues.
Our experience with Kinect voice commands was odd, powerful, almost unsettling. This is incredibly interesting as a piece of technology, and as a means of instructing technology to do what we want it to. You will have a variety of experiences with this device, some of which are truly fascinating, some of which don't work entirely, and some of which will make you believe every terrible thing you have read on the Internet is true.
Intel is giving away a huge pile of Shank-related stuff, including literal copies of the game Shank for the PC, and you can get your share of the aforementioned by heading over here and "entering to win" (as they say).
When you're first learning a wargame, you might fudge some stuff. Maybe every model isn't, for lack of a better term, "painted." A styrofoam cup might do double duty as a hillock. This usually happens until it drives somebody so nuts that they flip out and get crafty.
Today is the day to get out and vote...for your favorite new Penny Arcade comic! Just hit this link and vote for your favorite:
Our last offering is the Queen of Bells. I’ve had a few requests for a wallpaper of the last panel and I hate to disappoint.
A long time ago, I made a song in the game Jam Sessions called My Belruel. The song is more or less about falling in love with your in-game character, but it's part of a larger story framework that already has several more songs to its credit. It's somewhat elaborate, but given Gabriel's execution today on Queen of Bells I think we're up to it. Would you like to learn more about this young woman? It can be simply arranged.
In case you missed it yesterday I just wanted to re-post this.
Being the new kid is hard, being the new kid in a school full of aliens is harder. Tycho mentioned that this one could be the biggest thing we ever do and I think he’s right. My fantasy is to see Dreamworks, Disney or Nickelodeon make an animated feature or a Saturday morning cartoon out of this one. Who knows maybe they will see it and give me a call!
Today's idea: The New Kid. It was The New Kid that catalyzed this round of offerings, and I think that (under the right conditions) The New Kid as it is presently conceived could be the biggest thing we ever do. Agree? Disagree? One more concept to go; when the voting booth goes up, let us know.
We’ve done a lot of work for Bioware in the past and for Dragon Age 2 they actually had us create an in-game item. It’s a magical belt called Hindsight that automatically gains a resistance to whatever type of damage killed its last owner. So when wearing it you still die but the belt learns and the next person who wears it won’t die from the same thing. We made a motion comic explaining a bit about the history of the belt and you can check it out over on the DA site.
Like Tycho said we are going to deliver three one page treatments and ask you to vote on your favorite again. The last time we did this we got Lookouts and Automata. Tycho mentioned that both of these ideas are going on to bigger and better things outside the confines of the comic. I wish I could say more about what is happening with these projects but both are still in the early stages and I don’t want to jinx anything.
Much as we did last year, we're seizing the site again for a ridiculous expenditure of your goodwill.
Additional Precipice is yours for the taking, with Chapter Eleven.
The sloth of today's game designers is revolting. What is the biggest innovation in the last six years of aggregated shooting? Literally, it is the ability to cower. Gears of War 3 lets players press A to snivel behind a topiary. By 2012, your emasculation will be the new normal mapping. 5th Cell - creators of Lock's Quest, Drawn To Life, and the original Scribblenauts - seek to break this cycle, with the bullet point to end all bullet points. Super Scribblenauts features (and I am not joking about this/why would I joke about this) the ability to use adjectives.
Gabe had an idea for a comic, and after a nominal attempt to make three panels out of it, it seemed to fit more naturally into the single-panel "classy comic" style found in the New Yorker or the Playboy issues which I absolutely never read as a young man.