Well I finally hit 40 a couple nights ago and I got my mount. I see Kurtz hit 60 a little while ago, congratulations. Maybe if my strip was in black and white I’d be 60 as well ;) This is the first alt I’ve ever taken this far. My previous attempts at rolling new characters ended around level 14 or 15. I really don’t think it’s fair to call Dudefella an alt actually. Since starting on the Dark Iron server I haven’t once gone back and played my 60 Rogue on Cenarius. That says a lot about the quality of the players and the good natured rivalry between PA and PVP on the server.
The crew I run with all hit 40 around the same time. I play with them because they are my friends but also because you really can’t go anyplace alone on Dark Iron. I think that’s true for anyone on the server but it is especially true for me. I am frequently the target of suicide attacks. Horde charge into the center of our group and start beating the shit out of me. They don’t care that the rest of my crew is going to take them down. As long as I drop before they do they seem to consider it a victory. These kinds of attacks have turned our group into a finely tuned ganking machine. We no longer give Horde the opportunity to fuck with us. Occasionaly we feel bad for riding up on the lone undead priest but it seems like every time we let someone go it comes back to bite us in the ass.
It used to be that a quick wave from the Horde would be enough to avoid hostilities. Recently we’ve seen Horde waving while their Rogues sneak up behind us. We’re not mad, that’s a good trick. It just means we need to be equally vicious. The nice thing is that the Pandas out there are good people for the most part. They kill and move on just like we try to do. I can’t say as much for some of the other younger Horde guilds. I’ve got a great screenshot at home of four level 60’s sitting around my dead body. Apparently I’m an extremely dangerous mage. No matter what server you go to your going to have some bad eggs running around, it’s just the nature of the internet. The Dark Iron server in my opinion has a pretty low asshole population which is refreshing. You can still get in on the action. The Fancy Lads are recruiting again. Just jump in and group with some lads, then ask them to pass your name along to an officer. If you are already in a PA guild on Dark Iron be sure and use the forums on our official website.

Now that’s a fancy fucking lad!
-Gabe out