The Baltimore Comic Con as a strictly business venture was not what I would call radical. That said, I think it's healthy for us long-term to sit at our empty booth for a half and hour before anyone stops by. As well as things have gone, some failure and desperation ought to provide much needed ballast.
The most useful lesson might have been that our booth was right beside Rob Liefeld, a man we were mean to at some point. It will delight our manifold enemies to know that his booth sported a line of at least thirty people throughout the entire weekend, as we filled out FedEx forms to ship back our unsold stock. The lesson was clear, and it was my glad duty to accept it.
Of course, just as with the Las Vegas con, the decreased social density allowed us unprecedented access to readers. We could talk with people about inventive uses of the Revolution controller or Lemon Bars or whatever. We met a gamer mom, with a handle and everything, who posts on the RvB boards and plays on Live. She showed us her sketchbook full of Master Chief fanart, at which point we felt we had seen everything.
We had a chance to talk to Hawk and Ananth over at AppleGeeks for what I would call a substantial amount of time, which was marvelous - Hawk is coloring the the card game, as you might recall. I took a moment to appreciate them for their contribution to Disposable Parts, a hell of a book I grabbed from the Bag of Chips booth at San Diego. We invited them out to dinner, and Matt Boyd tagged along. I passed the Tablet PC over to Hizawk to see what he thought of it, and he and Gabe ended up enmeshed in some kind of sketch jam:

That machine has sketches like this from tons of cool people, because we're usually hauling it around at conventions. I really need to get those up on the site at some point.