After being dicked around by Verizon for two weeks I finally told them to piss off and I got myself a new internet provider. When I moved into my new place Verizon told me I'd be up and running in five days. That was apparently a lie from the pits of hell. They hooked my phone up just fine but my DSL never kicked in. After a week I called their technical support. Now I don't know a lot about computers. I pretty much just use mine to play games and draw. I'm not teh hax0r by any stretch of the imagination. With that said I do know enough to know that the woman on the other end of this call was full of shit. I explained that my DSL modem ready light was simply flashing repeatedly which I understood to mean that I had no DSL. She had me go into internet explorer and delete my cookies. This sort of thing went on for about 45 minutes culminating in her telling me that the problem was with my router. I told her that I didn't have a router hooked up but this didn't seem to faze her. My imaginary router was not supported by Verizon and so the problem was my own fault. It was my use of phantom electronics that meant I would never again surf the world wide webs. So I told her to go fuck herself and I immediately called Comcast. Four days later I'm back online. The point of this story is that if you tried to send me a mail anytime in the last two weeks I never got it. I'm golden now though so if you still need to talk feel free to mail away.
I apologize for the following proud father update. Gabe rolls all around now. He doesn't crawl yet but he'll just keep rolling over and over until he gets to wherever it is he wants to go. Recently where he wants to go is directly to the bin I keep all my controllers in. Whenever we lay him on the floor to play, he just goes right over to it and pulls out a dual shock or a type S.

That's my boy.*sniff*
-Gabe out :o: