I'm actually feeling quite chipper today it's true. I'm not sure exactly why, but I think it might have something to do with the fact that E3 is only about four weeks away. Mr. Howarth over at VE3D seems positively put off by the whole affair. Maybe he is talking about some other E3, some kind of elephant expo or something I don't know. This year's electronic gaming expo promises to be one of the best in years as far as I am concerned. On the PC side you've got Unreal II, Unreal Tournament 2003, Knights of the old Republic, Never Winter Nights, Star Wars fucking Galaxies, and Doom 3. Oh, and a couple of little games from Nintendo called Mario Sunshine, Zelda, Star Fox and Metroid. I'd bet money Sega will be showing off Shinobi somewhere on the show floor. Namco will probably have Soul Calibur 2 and Square should be showing Final Fantasy XI. These are just the first ones I can think of off the top of my head. Last year was nice what with the new consoles and all, but this is the year we get to see what these consoles can really do. Add to that the fact that each year we always see a bunch of stuff that we had never even heard of until E3. In fact a little bird actually told me what Nintendo has up its sleeve this year and when he told me I punched him in the face and called him a liar. When he got back up he promised it was the truth, and I believe him. I don't want to say anything that will get anyone in trouble but I know I'll be heading to the Nintendo section first this year. Maybe Mr. Howarth just hates video games or something. If it makes him feel any better I heard there might be some press releases there.