After Wednesday's Wonder Twins adventures, we thought we'd do more comics that would be incomprehensible to half our readers. Evidence of the phenomenon seen in today's strip - and I don't mean the phenomenon where Gabe implies I might be a girl - is ubiquitous, unless you don't watch movies or read comics or play with toys or see anything at all ever. It was the new He-Man in particular that started our conversation about it, but there's another big Transformers push as well, along with other stuff I'm sure. I don't even have to look, I know it's there. For everything else we used to like, it's only a matter of time. It's a shame that their vile (but welcome!) machinations are limited only to toys and other merchandise, as it might be nice to recoup my optimism and potential while they're fucking around in the eighties. I mean, if they are taking requests, Marie from Bible Camp was pretty rad. Just see what you can do, I guess.