Over the next couple of months a lot of you will probably be heading home to spend some time with your family. A lot of you will probably also be dragging a video game system along with you in order to dull the pain. I know I will be making the trip back to Spokane come December and my Xbox and my Cube will be making the trip with me. I wanted to point you towards LASR Accessories. They make these new backpacks for hauling your system around. I have a carrying case right now for my Cube but it only holds the Cube and one controller. These backpacks actually have space for all your games and cables and whatnot. The other really cool thing is that you don't have to take the system out of the backpack. The wires and everything just pop out the sides letting you play right out of the bag. Anyway I got one and it's pretty fucking cool. If you need to take a system someplace you should check them out.