My friend Robert came back from Shanghai with some Stephen Chiau DVDs and some kind of Communist Supercold. I borrowed the movies and maybe the disease just came along for the ride, but that's no reflection on Stephen Chiau, who is a comedy powerhouse.
Cardboard And Steel, Part 2
Part Two of "Cardboard and Steel," Penny Arcade's epic samurai tale, awaits you. I want to stress that I use the term "epic" rather loosely, for example - I think my belt is rather epic. This page is really cool, by the way. That's something I can get away with saying because I had very little to do with it. The first panel of the strip has been fashioned into a wallpaper, if you are so inclined.
Raven Shield Demo
Like Ghost Recon, I'm mainly interested in Raven Shield for the co-op play - but I'm still going to grab the recently released single player demo.
I love me some CTS
I am heading out of town tomorrow but I wanted to make a quick update.
It Might Seem Weird
But I've been really excited about Restaurant Tycoon for some reason. Demo's out now, by the way.
Cardboard And Steel, Part 1
The forces of Continuity will not be stayed long, and you may be sure that they wait in the space between moments, all craft and cunning. Time has no meter to them, they are not bound by it, and also they don't carry watches so it could be five in the morning or six in the afternoon, they really have no idea. Nothing seems more Penny Arcade to me than a flight of fancy, some unauthorized adventure that seizes the site. We certainly hope that you enjoy the Cardboard and Steel miniseries, but if you don't, there's really nothing we can do for you.
Flea Circus
I mentioned about a month ago that we got a kitty. Well we brought her back from the vet the other day and discovered that now we had a kitty and some fleas. I don’t know if the vet charged us extra for the fleas as I didn’t scrutinize the bill as well as I probably should have. Perhaps it was just flea day at the vet and we happened to be the thousandth customer. At any rate Kara and I decided that, while we liked the cat the fleas had to go. Kara ran to the store and bought a flea collar, flea comb and some special shampoo. Yeah shampoo, those of you with cats can already see where this story is heading.
flea circus
I mentioned about a month ago that we got a kitty. Well we brought her back from the vet the other day and discovered that now we had a kitty and some fleas. I don’t know if the vet charged us extra for the fleas as I didn’t scrutinize the bill as well as I probably should have. Perhaps it was just flea day at the vet and we happened to be the thousandth customer. At any rate Kara and I decided that, while we liked the cat the fleas had to go. Kara ran to the store and bought a flea collar, flea comb and some special shampoo. Yeah shampoo, those of you with cats can already see where this story is heading.
Over Easy Is Ready
We're going to start sending it out today.
The Predicament
Precious Broadband, you are a proper noun. How I have missed you.
Frigid bitches get heated up over snow dick.
A few people sent me this link today and I think it’s pretty funny. The story actually contains not only a cardboard tube but a giant snow wang. How can it not be good?
The Name Of The Strip
Gabe might tense up about his Apex game, but he's taken Gabir Motors to the top while my own Strata Systems operates out of a toxic dump.
What is this Wanged Shit
That's not even the standard nomenclature.
I set up a little poll in the forum just now. I’d appreciate it if you could all go check it out and leave some feedback. It’s an issue Tycho and I have been wrestling with since we started the site and we’d like to know what you all think.
Over Easy Pages 1-4
I have gotten a lot of questions about this so I figured I would address it here. Lot’s of you want to jump into club PA and see Over Easy but you want to see the pages you missed.
Club PA
Oh, and page 5 of Over Easy will be available this month. I have just been super busy is with other stuff and it's taking longer than I thought. My goal is to finish it by Wednesday and start sending it out to club PA members at the end of the week. Sorry it’s so late.