I won’t lie to you. I have fought off my share of imaginary dark Jedi in my parent’s basement using only a broom stick and some light saber noises. I did not however videotape it. God bless this poor son of a bitch. His public humiliation might be the funniest thing I see all year.
Thank you to the academy
It's not MY fault he is crazy!
Now I am getting angry mail from people saying I broke Tycho's mind. Listen, that guy was fucked up when I met him. He pulls crazy shit like this all the time. If you were ever under the impression that he was a sane individual you were mistaken. Sometimes we will be sitting around playing games and he will just start singing that fucking song. This is the kind of shit I have to put up with on a daily basis! I deserve a goddamned award for not having killed him in his sleep years ago.
What the fuck was that?
Listen buddy I apologize for rocking so hard in front of you all the time. I know it’s really not fair to you. But you have gone over the edge with that fucking song. I think it might be time to think about some counseling.
This Is Bullshit
I post that Goddamn video of Gabe's, and now every mail in my Inbox is "Gabe's Awesome" or "Gabe Rox." Fuck that. I've got that Greatest Hits shit, bitch. What the fuck does he got?
Of Databases
There is kind of a cool fan project over yonder which you might appreciate, if you like the RPGs. They crave new members who will help them populate their database of Role-Playing Games.
Free Comic Book Day
May 3rd is Free Comic Book Day, God dammit. So go get your free comic books. Tomorrow. Not today!
No Pants Day
One possible explanation for Frank's request in the last panel of today's strip: perhaps, in his own irrepressible way, he is attempting to get Gabriel to conform to the tenets of No Pants Day. I had originally submitted a Canadian origin for this most festive of days, when indeed the truth is quite different. No Pants Day, originally Non Pantus Dei, was inaugurated the same day pants were invented.
A Humorous Anecdote
Something happened and I don't know what. It might have been the Cardboard and Steel miniseries. The long and the short of it is that, like the addict who performs "services" for crack rock, so too have I acquired a sweet tooth for continuity. The process was so insidious that I wasn't even aware as the healthy portions of my mind were carted out in the night and replaced with the seeds of a thousand stories. In any case, this strip not only includes Frank, but kicks off a series of indeterminate length. God help us all.
Thank You, Magic Box
I saw over on that most mystical of boxes an interesting bit of Xbox "ive news:
Dear Tycho,
I am sorry that I overreacted like that. You know I don’t want to hurt you. I think we both said some things that we don’t mean. I would like very much to go to your birthday party with two clowns.
Dear Gabriel,
I'm very sorry that I made fun of your secret treehouse club. I hope you can still come to my birthday party, which will include not one, but two clowns.
"All three of them."
Comic Book Legal Defense Fund
What an upstanding bunch. I just got off the phone with their director, their slavering law dogs are already on the trail.
All Three Of Them
I think I've said my piece.
I have got some pretty exciting news. Drum roll please...I have an interview at E3 with Ben Herman, President of the newly revived SNK NEOGEO USA Consumer Corp.