Who is the most ultimate super evil bad-ass?
Well Met, Lord Drachenfang
Lord Matthias von Drachenfang of the Society for Creative Anachronism bridled at my earlier comment regarding "SCA Motherfuckers." He would like everyone to know for the record that if they had been in the Society, they would have actually gotten the car, which they would have driven with care to a sactioned event and then returned the "noble steed" to its rightful owner.
Okay, that was the latest Newspost ever. You deserve a good deal better in terms of punctuality, and you will receive it on Friday and thereafter.
I have already confessed my concerns about Nintendo's game line-up in other strips and posts, but I hope you'll excuse me if that news about Acclaim not making games for the Cube just doesn't terrify me. In fact, it's a step in the right direction.
Here you go
If you want to get some PA stuff from the con but can’t make it to San Diego, this is the forum thread for you. I know there will be a couple people taking orders there in the next day or so. I will be posting prices for everything tomorrow probably to help facilitate this sort of thing.
San Diego Comic-Con
Well it seems like the shirts are a hit judging by the mail I am getting. I will try and answer some of the questions I've been getting about the shirts and the con here.
I just finished up the designs for a new Wang-Fu shirt as well as a Mr. Period shirt. Remember, your first chance to get your hands on these will be at the San Diego comic-con this month.
Ha Ha!
What's this? Oh, just a little article on CNN that says all gamers aren't gun-toting psychos.
The Bad Boys Of Punctuation
I love Mr. Period so Goddamn much, and now, you get a chance to see all his rowdy friends. While I mess around with Gabe about commas or what have you, my own mechanical understanding of written language is pretty terrible. I do things with hyphens that make professors faint straight away, and then I turn around and use the embodiment of punctuation in the strip. There are plenty of other errors in Gabe's letter that are left undiscussed, you may think of them as extra credit.
Downloadable content for Star Wars: Knights Of The old Republic? I hadn't heard that.
I bet you do...
But do you have this one?
Not Just Bears
I have all kinds of pictures.
9:00am our time is 12:00pm eastern time.
I sure wish I could spend the day browsing for pictures of bears on Google instead of working on new T-shirt designs for Penny Arcade. It must be nice.
Nature's Gentle Giant
Don't start with me.
I guess I misspelled one word. I am so fucking sorry. I sure hope the spelling police don’t come and get me. Honestly I’m surprised you even saw my post, what with your busy morning of not putting up a news post until nine in the morning. Funny, the comics always go up by midnight.
You must have a different spell-checker than I do, one that includes non-existent words. Craptacualr? Is that some kind of bear?