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Alpha Shade And Assorted Etcetera

By Tycho – June 25, 2005

I am always hesitant to put up links to comics I haven't linked before, and the reasons are a little neurotic, so let me clarify them.

new at Gameskins

By Gabe – June 24, 2005

I would like to point you all towards some very cool new shirts over at For the puzzle fans in the audience Kiko has created the “heartris” shirt. Those of you who enjoy the occasional FPS might like the new “headshot” shirt. Finally kiko has delivered a shirt that I consider to be a masterpiece. He calls it “Viva Miyamoto” but I call it a powerful image that ignites the fire of revolution in the minds of all who see it.


By Gabe – June 24, 2005

It is apparently hilarious to play practical jokes on me. The story Tycho mentioned is just one example of the sort of junior high bullshit I am forced to deal with here at Penny Arcade industries.

He Really Thinks That Is An Incentive

By Tycho – June 24, 2005

The increase in sophistication between the original PSP Swaploit and the new KXploit is a terrifying model of evolution in action. For those of you who never tried the first homebrew method released on the fifteenth, let's go into the onerous ritual it required of a person:


I Apologize

By Tycho – June 22, 2005

I really try not to put links up links to the exact same "funny" things people are already sending you in your e-mail, but I honestly couldn't help it. Click only if you want to see a dark power coursing through Oprah Winfrey.

Gamma Pack 2

By Tycho – June 22, 2005

Don't know where they got it, but PSP Hacker has the second Gamma Pack available for Wipeout. It's fucking brilliant - two new skins and two breathtaking tracks.


By Tycho – June 22, 2005

Q'Bicles is a puzzle game based on the odd rules and strange ratios of office politics. It was one of the games in the Slamdance independent games competition - check out this page of last year's winners to find some games you might not have heard of. I can guarantee that you'll see things you never expected.


By Gabe – June 22, 2005

The World of Warcraft website has a couple pretty interesting updates. The first is to their “under development” section. I am especially happy to see the new battlemasters that will allow you to enter Battlegrounds from major cities. I'm also happy to see the new improvements to the Honor System. The other interesting update was a forum post by Shane Dabiri. It mentions a few more ideas for future WOW content including assurance that an expansion is "in the works".


PAX Arcadia

By Tycho – June 22, 2005

I have a bunch of stuff to announce, and more on Friday, but let's get to the matter at hand:

Battlefield 2 At Fry's For Mad Cheap

By Tycho – June 22, 2005

The pilot I mentioned in Monday's post just let me know he grabbed a copy of BF2 at Freazy-E's for $37.99, which is a good deal less than I'll be getting it for at EB.

KXsploit for PSP 1.5

By Tycho – June 22, 2005

I'll try it out later today, but it's an exploit for your PSP that allows homebrewed apps (read "emulators and illegal ROMS") to operate on your PSP, without the memory stick swap that could potentially injure the stick or the device itself.


Videogames Are In The News

By Tycho – June 22, 2005

I'm fairly certain we've got all the bases covered in our most recent strip. The only thing we missed was Charles Schumer, but if he said something noteworthy I must have missed it. The game he's talking about - 25 To Life - also lets you play as cops, but it's hard to imagine the man truly perceiving the fact. When the scene plays out in my mind, the contradiction literally tears his brain apart.

Let's Try This Again

By Tycho – June 20, 2005

Gabriel just made a post with a poll in it. This is what that poll is about.

Our Latest Comic Strip

By Tycho – June 20, 2005

I've made a kind of bargain that you were party to, unawares, but I think you'll agree that it was for the best.

The Front!

By Gabe – June 17, 2005

If you live in the NYC I highly recommend you check out MC Frontalot’s show on June 23rd. The e-details of this i-event can be found on his own personal webtron site.