It's eight pages, including the cover - you can find it here, on the left side of the page. I had a chance to play what would eventually become the demo a couple months ago, and what I saw made me feel pretty confident about doing a project for it. In case you're wondering why we haven't mentioned it, there you go - we'd already written seven pages worth of text, it was just top secret. Until today, I suppose. It's a pretty strange project, I hope you enjoy it.
We bought a couple of Nate's Blambot Fonts for a different look, and they look great as always.
Some Square Characters In Mario 3-on-3
SquareEnix is developing this strange but fun take on "stylus basketball," so cameos were virtually assured.
I'd heard about Moogle already, but until I hit 4cr today I didn't know about the others - Ninja, White Mage, Black Mage, and that little cactus fucker. The art for the cameos is uniformly excellent - Square Fans should definitely take a look.
Battle For Middle Earf 2 Demo On Live
I say this so you can see for yourself if it's worth your time slash money, i.e. if you're willing to pay twenty dollars more for a version that works with less elegance. At the very least, it should communicate the game with more eloquence than I did. It may be that if you haven't already played and enjoyed it on the PC, the console version of the game rolls on dub plates (or whatever the authentic street terminology is now).
We saw something over at Game Politics that was too good to leave alone - the mayor of Las Vegas is angry because the next Rainbow Six game nestles its geopolitical storyline in his city. If you haven't seen how, I really recommend that you get your hands on the full version of the E3 trailer (in HD preferably, in convenient mov or wmv formats). It's pretty horrifying. I sort of understand why he wouldn't want someone to see that, even though he hasn't seen it himself, so he doesn't actually know what he's talking about. When they've spent so much money giving the impression that the town is primarily a haven for frequent and anonymous sexing, you don't want to get that signal crossed with "seething cauldron of anti-American terror."
The Ship
The Ship just dropped on Steam, and if it wasn't something you were already keeping an eye on I wanted to make mention of it. It's sort of like an Agatha Christie book come to life in videogame form: the players have all been invited to a cruise liner by the mysterious Mr. X, free of charge, only to find that the vessel itself is a kind of human hunting ground for his amusement.
How that plays out in game form, how your targets are chosen and how you stalk them, all of that is covered here. Anyway, it's out, twenty bucks, I'm grabbing it now.
A Wider Perspective On Flavor
As is often the case for our kind, some derelict account on some forgotten website had suddenly become critical information, and Gabriel's long forgotten password forced him into a temporary crisis. It did not help that the "secret question" he had configured was an almost useless wisp of enigmatic text.
nothing but PA merchandise news
I mentioned a few weeks ago that we were going to start cleaning out the store. We retired a few of the older t-shirt designs and now we’re blowing out the old 8x10 Laser Cels. The price on these prints has been knocked down to $19.99 and just like the old shirts once they’re gone, they’re gone.
Better Late Than Never
I haven't discovered a way to tell this story that is not highly uncomfortable, which is why I haven't told it. But when I saw that Too Human wasn't just my greatest disappointment of this year's E3 but actually a direct obstacle to new Eternal Darkness games like some kind of intestinal blockage I managed to find the strength.
Third Grade Gold, The Secret
The author's intent with this comic is something like this:
Third Grade Gold, Wild Styles
The next two strips are from our adopted third grade class, in whom we endeavored to invest our most potent comic creation skills. Today's comic was made as a gift for us by one of the students after we left, and we found the contest it presents hilarious.
Summer Road Epic, Part Two
Against my will, against my reason, and even against my character I agreed to be partner to (what was described as) A True Road Event, on the condition that it be
Summer Road Epic, Part One
I go into why your terrestrial "road tripz" are not a natural state for me, on account of my painful history with the practice, which on more that one occasion involved pain that was not purely figurative or otherwise augmented for the tellin'.
Men Are From Krypton
We're going to be out of town next week, both of us, on "vacation." We're going to roughly the same place but we have no desire to see one another. During this time, I have secured the services of a kind of all-star developer supergroup, like a Menudo versed in Maya, to handle the newspost portions while our third-grade comic trainees have agreed to handle the strip. At some point during this week a viewing of Superman Returns is veritably assured. It is running at an exceptionally comfortable theater near my house, but beginning at nine o'clock each night I have a standing agreement to interfere with (virtual) terrorism. I don't know how grave the threat actually is from these simulated miscreants, but I must admit that the process does make me feel better.
your wish...
I guess you guys like the new PAX program cover. Every time I refresh my mail I have another dozen emails asking for a wallpaper and a poster version. The actual image was for the book cover so it was only about eight inches high. In order to make a poster of it I had to re-draw some big chucks of it. I also had to extend the image vertically and horizontally to match the dimensions of our posters. But I did all that this morning and the poster will be on sale at San Diego Comic Con. Here's a little peak.
PAX 06 Cover
I finished the cover for the PAX 2006 program today. It still needs this year’s logo slapped on but here’s the original artwork.
Open Mic Night
If my earlier experiences with the co-operative campaign had not endured so, there would be no question - fifteen dollars is quite simply not a value that men of reason would associate with the GRAW Map Pack. But, drawing on that idea, let us move forward as though the powerful fraternal bonds forged in Campaign One were sufficient to assuage price related suffering to some degree. I realize that this moves our narrative into the realm of fiction.