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An Exciting Opportunity

By Tycho – April 16, 2007

We have altered the name of the product, but we were approached to advertise, um... something. I'm not exactly certain why he thought we would be a good match. We did run ads for Drakengard, I suppose - perhaps he thought we were amenable to objectionable content.

Material Components

By Tycho – April 13, 2007

Reading a preview of the newest Harry Potter title - the one for the Wii, with motion sensing wand controls(!!!) - I've begun to make certain preparations for its eventual release. I've had my robes pressed, my scarf of blue and bronze dry-cleaned. I've also endeavored to secure certain... materials, shall we say, of a mystical nature to augment the experience. I was aware that Gabriel owned a unicorn, but I was not aware that he was operating some kind of supernatural zoo.

Guitar Hero II DLC Is Insulting And Ridiculous

By Tycho – April 11, 2007

The ability to extend Guitar Hero with downloadable songs was main reason I made the investment in the next-gen version.  Investment is the right word, too:  I choked down that ninety dollars with a lot of twisting and full-body spasms.  It was like an anaconda swallowing a sheep.  But the idea that I'd be able to snag expansions and classic tracks straight over the wire was some comfort. 

The pricing on these new songs is simply a bad call - and knowing that Guitar Hero III is going to hit in a few short months makes me wonder how valuable this stopgap content actually is.  Five hundred points (or $6.25, in human money) for a three song pack is the work of a diseased mind.  These things should be priced like gumballs, obvious to any person who passes by.  Bundle them together.  Something.  Something that would make me feel like less of an idiot for buying your product again.

I understand that the songs are now 5.1, and that they include the second track for co-operative play - it isn't just the old shit hurled up on the auction block.  The pricing is still extortionary, and I've bought my last track. 



A Novel Technique

By Tycho – April 9, 2007

Sakuracon occurred, and we attended it. It was good to see Sam and Claire, to the extent that I actually did. The extended Questionable Content "kroo" also provided mechanically detectable amounts of joy. This was until I had to leave the convention unexpectedly, taking to the air in order to return to the ancestral homeland. This left Gabriel to manage a two-hour panel by himself in the convention's largest hall. I was distraught, but only regarding my dereliction and not because I thought he would be unable to manage it. He is the funny one, after all. It has ever been thus:  he the damaged genius, and I the loyal archivist who scrambles to collect his mad prophecies.


By Gabe – April 6, 2007

We'll be at Sakura-Con today, tomorrow and Sunday. We've got the new Heroism shirt and our RSPD posters. I'll also have my copy of puzzle quest, so bring your DS if you want to throw down.

In The Before-Now

By Tycho – April 6, 2007

I don't believe it was ever referred to as Doobie Howser - even when the show was really big.  The news story we "reefer" to in the comic concerns a young schizophrenic who murdered someone after being high for a period of several years.  The article mentions Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas in the body of the piece, but if we're trying to cook up a reason why this might have happened I don't think we need to work quite that hard.


By Gabe – April 5, 2007

I know it's late but I just wanted to remind everyone that we'll be at Sakura-Con starting tomorrow. We'll be bringing our new Heroism shirt, the RSPD poster and a bunch of other books and stuff. Sakura-Con honestly doesn't scare me like it used to. I made some discoveries at last years show that I'm excited to investigate further.


Revolting Even To Contemplate

By Tycho – April 4, 2007

And to think!  I was actually depressed when I heard that Harmonix was moving on from Guitar Hero. I guess they're still there, sort of - they did the 360 version, and I believe they're also responsible for the upcoming 80's themed expansion for the PS2. It's got to be difficult to focus on those products when, right down the hall, their cohorts are busy annihilating the franchise.

Patient Zero

By Tycho – April 2, 2007

The Emerald City Comic Con was - I feel secure in this point - a convention.

Sherlock Holmes: The Awakened

By Tycho – March 30, 2007

You might have remembered me freaking out about this adventure game from Frogwares, as it is basically a mashup of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and H. P. Lovecraft.  Really kind of unfair, I think, to bait the trap so richly.  Unsporting, in a way. 

It was brought to the front of my mind by the review over at Gamespot, where it picked up decent marks.  I hit up the websites for Gamestop and EB to track down the exact release date, and (apropos to today's discussion) there is no entry for it in either database.  The game is completely incorporeal.  It is available digitally, however, should you find yourself inexorably drawn.


PAX 2007 and Emerald City Comic Con

By Gabe – March 30, 2007

One last reminder that Saturday the 31st is your last chance to get the early bird discount for PAX 2007. You can get a three day pass for $40 if you sign up right now. We're selling tickets about twice as fast as we were last year at this time which is amazing. We're actually expecting about 30,000 attendees this year and thanks to the massive new venue we can actually accommodate that kind of crowd.


Emerald City Comic Con

By Gabe – March 28, 2007

I just wanted to remind everyone that Tycho and I will be at the Emerald City Comic Con this weekend here in Seattle. I think we’ve got a panel or two lined up but other than that we’ll just be at our booth as usual. You can come down and get a sketch of your favorite PA character or buy some of our stuff. You could even just come down with your DS and a copy of Puzzle Quest and we’ll get some games going.

Found A Copy, Finally

By Tycho – March 26, 2007

No copies at my EB, no copies at the Gamestop, none at the Best Buy across the street, none at the EBX on the other side of the lake, but as luck would have it the Target above the Best buy here at Northgate had ten (!) copies.  I tried to pick up three extra to spread around here at the office, but they would only let me buy two.  I was annoyed by this until I remembered what a difficult time I'd had finding it myself.  No doubt some weary gaming enthusiast - kin to me, in a way - will shortly find their wish fulfilled.

Screenshots for games on the DS always look so nasty online, this is often true of the PSP as well, and I'm happy to say that the product itself is perfectly workable on these two small screens.  I doubt that you'll be disappointed.