Metahumans, as the RNACorp Sensitivity Guide suggests, present "opportunities" that sometimes appear to be "challenges." They have unique contributions, often sharp contributions to the abdomen, that can bring value to shareholders.

Metahumans, as the RNACorp Sensitivity Guide suggests, present "opportunities" that sometimes appear to be "challenges." They have unique contributions, often sharp contributions to the abdomen, that can bring value to shareholders.
Fabulous, life changing products are now available in our store. I won't bore you with the testimonials - stalled, wasted lives virtually resuscitated but the power of our healing dorkwear. I will simply present you with irresistible garb and then draw back, my noble purpose at a close.
And, also
The comic started out as a style guide for forums, similar to the recent style guide for gaming journalists - but while we were looking over the Lair boards at GameFAQs, we found that material already in place there was deluxe in every respect. We simply took the opportunity to elevate it.
But if you haven't seen it yet, you should - Street View in Google Maps. Holy F-ing S.
Given Gabriel's swayzophilia - currently controlled by medication - we couldn't really be expected to let this one go without comment.
I'm glad I spelled it wrong. It means there may still be hope for me.
it's a budew, not a bedew.
-Gabe out
I don't know how we've been able to avoid Pokemon for so long. It was only two weekends ago that Porkfry got a Pokedex for his birthday, and I can remember that as his palm slid affectionately over the cover that I shivered. A spiritual sight seized me, and from the thick manual I could see eight black legs wrap around his trunk. One side of the book was a plain of seeking red eyes, and from the other sprung twelve starving umbilicals that sniffed for new prey.
So the latest PC gamer should be arriving on news stands any day now if it hasn't already. This particular issue has a very early look at our game, On The Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness: Episode One. They actually sent one of their guys (Dan Stapleton) up to Canada to visit Hothead and get a first hand look at the game in development. Dan apparently liked what he saw because the resulting article is actually really positive.
This thing is pretty huge.
I don't mean in terms of kilobytes - I mean it's packed tight with powerful features. Upscaling of content has been in demand, and it's been delivered. Like the 360 Elite, you need to be hooked up via a managed connection (i.e., HDMI) to upscale a DVD. Past that, it will knock up your old PS/PS2 games to 1080p, but the results we've gotten here haven't been supernatural - still appreciated, though.
The real flavor is elsewhere: specifically, the ability to stream video, pictures, and music from "a DLNA compliant device," which you'll find just about every computer already is. That's only half of it. The Remote Play option of the PSP (the one that lets you enjoy certain types of content stored on your PS3 via your PSP) is deeply enriched by this capacity. You can do this much already. But with the next update for the Playstation Portable - 3.50, to be released before the end of the month - you'll be able to access your PS3 remotely via any wireless connection. I must say, starting a download at home while I'm still at the office sounds pretty Goddamn good.
Also, while we are loving the PSP, am I the only person enthralled by the idea of R-Type Tactics?
We attended the same Nintendo Media Summit you have seen reported elsewhere, in the hopes of seeing Super Mario Galaxy or Metroid Prime 3: Corruption - titles which are not minigame compilations, portable puzzle games, or games for my mom. I don't want to say that the complimentary breakfast and lunch were a factor. Let me say that we were hungry when we made the decision to go.
Gabriel and I played Starcraft, everyone played Starcraft, but for the most part he and I would play two Terran armies against Zerg computer opponents in an effort to simulate Starship Troopers. It might sound like you could only get a couple nights of entertainment out of this scenario, but you'd be underestimating our feelings toward Starships and the proud Troopers that wait within.
The aggregate price for all Rock Band peripherals was originally three hundred dollars, going by the vague entries in the Gamespot database, but those strange figures are really the chicken entrails of the gaming industry - its powers of prophecy are somewhat in question.
A few eagle eyed viewers noticed that I accidentally drew a Nebulon-B frigate in today's comic. Gabe mentions the Mon Calamari and the Corellians but the Nebulon-B is actually produced by the Kuat Drive Yards.I deeply regret the mistake and I have since corrected it in the comic by replacing the original drawing with one of the Mon Calamari Cruiser "Liberty", sadly lost in the Battle of Endor . I am in no way trying to diminish the Nebulon-B frigate or the fine craftsmanship of the dedicated workers employed by KDY. Again I apologize for any inconvenience or offence my carelessness may have caused.
-Gabe out
I have no time for Lair, I'm afraid. My limited playtime with the game has only encouraged me to further limit said playtime, throttling this value until it reaches zero. As one of the long-known exclusives, a kind of cult has formed around the game - one whose creed hinges on the glorious arrival of their reptile saint. It is a weird hunger, one quite outside reality, and it would be best to manage those expectations before their piss-smelling vagrant messiah stumbles into the retail channel.