has something he would like to say to you.

has something he would like to say to you.
You may know that Sony is putting together a reality show where human beings caper for our amusement. That's regular stuff. But the prize they're competing for - a testing position - is, to be clear, not the sort of thing one competes for.
Nueva BLAMIMATION es muy relleno aujourdhui! Nous n'avons pas de poissons surgelees.
I got my Zune a few days before the iPhone was announced.
Part of the reason we opened the Eastern Front of this convention was to relieve some of the pressure on the PAX Prime, but the show has its own momentum, and it's barrelling toward Boston with full force. What this means is that if you want to attend PAX East at the end of March, you should preregister now. We're already looking into an expanded venue for next year - we saw at a couple solid candidates when we were out there originally, so that's already being managed. In the meantime, though, yes. You want to preregister.
I mentioned a while ago that I was pushing my D&D game into a new direction, that being more of a sandbox style adventure. I also said I'd answer your questions about it and now that I've got three games under my belt I feel like I can do that.
The Rock Band Network - a vector for gameplay authorship that recalibrates the rhythm title as a democratic platform - is imminent, if not available at this very moment. The idea behind it is fairly substantial, particularly on consoles, where as a rule user generated content is either impossible, thoroughly circumscribed, or considered a breach of the user agreement. There are exceptions, certainly. Well, maybe there are exception.
It falls to us to explain some pretty elemental shit on occasion, a task I relish. The version I gave my own son was (for lack of a better term) rendered at a substantially higher resolution.
It came out quite a while ago in Japan, and feels a little dated as a consequence, but this video expresses a few of the ideas that put it over the top.
My twitter is going crazy with requests for a larger version of today's comic. How can I deny the twitterverse?
We had originally read that a new printing of Dante's Inferno was a "novelization," which implies that the game had been turned into a novel, which is untrue: the truth is actually much weirder. Tie-ins (particularly for Visceral Games, whose Dead Space could be considered a broad-spectrum new media template) would be utterly normal, dog-bites-man stuff, with a pH of seven exactly.
(I wanted to get this in front of you again, in case you were a recent convert to the game. We've had a great response so far, but I want to make sure that all of Kiko's awesome shirts find a good home.)
I'm pleased to announce that the PAX 2009 DVD set is now available and more importantly, it's fucking awesome. It is so awesome in fact that this will likely be the last PAX DVD we make. This 6 disk set encompasses the PAX experience so completely and so well that there is simply no reason to make any more. You should hit the sotre link for a more complete breakdown of what's on these disks, but here is a quick look:
I mentioned Monday that we are looking to hire a designer here at PA but I neglected to mention that you only have until Sunday the 17th to get your resume in. You can find all the details about the job right here. We are looking for someone with crazy design skills who doesn't mind working in a wretched hive of scum and villainy.
My cohort's education is always foremost in my mind, but in the past I've typically resorted to misdirections that (once discovered) set the project back substantially. This time - and I recognize that this is strange - I am actually taking his predilections into account. Before, I would have flopped a book like The Fifth Head of Cerberus onto his Intuos and said "eat this, dog." I'm taking a different tack now, a breadcrumb trail, so that his mind is starving at the end of each book, and into that ravenous mind I will continuously heap works of burning fire and terrible consequence.