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Dropping The Science

By Tycho – December 24, 2010

The strip is probably the only place he and I can discuss religion without getting into a fistfight.  His concern (generally speaking) is something we discuss often, though.  I can't get through a ten minute conversation with my own son without loosing a quiver-full of immaculately constructed lies.   If he had any conception how ridiculous, insulting, and arbitrary his shit was about to get, his quatrains would get even more despondent.   

It's Got To Come Out

By Tycho – December 22, 2010

As I've already suggested, TRON: Legacy contains within it a host of discrete films, and positions you can take, so that at the culmination of the experience you can enjoy the film or brood in the unassailable tower of your own intellect. That may sound facetious, that you can either agree with me or be a Goddamned twat, and these are the only choices available. What's true is that there are many valid ways to approach it, and not all of them leave the film entirely unscathed. I can answer any of the questions posed by the strip very simply, but at the same time I don't want to grant a writer something they haven't earned or paper over their relatively straightforward laziness with my own incalculable power. Scott's suggestion that the club represents Flynn's playlist was pretty funny, I thought.


By Tycho – December 20, 2010

There is a pretty awesome article over at Comics Alliance about some of the casting in Thor, specifically the black casting, because blackity black black. We have made a comic on the topic, and Vantage Point Productions busted their asses to put together a bonus episode of The 4th Panel to accompany it.


Precipice (Updated)

By Tycho – December 17, 2010

Every time I scroll down the page, I'm surprised to see a cat with its dick out.  Every time.  


Last day for free upgraded shipping!

By Gabe – December 16, 2010

** Today is the last day to take advantage of our free priority shipping deal. That means you need to order from us today if you want to get your stuff by Christmas!**

Things, Part Two

By Tycho – December 15, 2010

My cohort feels bad about his regular Monday game going on hiatus - I would submit - because he hasn't seen or run enough tables to know that far from being a statistical anomaly this is actually the most likely outcome. The misshapen wreckage of promising campaigns is heaped in smoking pyres, charred and unrecognizable. Whole realities are thrown away or put on hold, and the mortals that strove to win them find obliteration instead of a hero's rest.


By Gabe – December 13, 2010

As Tycho mentioned above I I have decided to take a break from my normal Monday night game. Two years ago this month I approached my friends and asked if they would like to try Dungeons and Dragons. We had been getting together weekly to play the World of Warcraft TCG and I thought it would be fun to try something different. They all agreed to give it a shot and I bought myself the books I needed right before Christmas. In January of 2009 we had our first adventure, just some Kobolds in a cave. I had no idea that two years later they would be battling the five heads of Tiamat in an adventure that spans time and space.


Free priority shipping!

By Gabe – December 13, 2010

If you are like me you probably wait until the very last minute to do your Christmas shopping. We’ve got a special offer going for procrastinators right now that you might want to take advantage of. If you order some stuff from our store and select parcel post as your desired delivery option we will upgrade you to priority mail free of charge! That means that you have until the 16th of December to order some PA merch and still get it delivered by Christmas.

The Things We Do For Love

By Tycho – December 13, 2010

Last week, I listened as a depleted Gabriel made a startling admission. I'm surprised it took as long as it did, to be honest: for two years he has been codifying the hidden laws of this or that plane, making floating-ass orbs and shit, and generally making other dungeon masters feel bad about the prison gravy they ladle at their own meager tables. It's like, you've got pace yourself, man. These motherfuckers can't be thwarting draconic matriarchs every week. Sometimes they might need to spend a session just opening and closing Tupperware or choosing exactly the right flip-flops.

Greed Corp For PC

By Tycho – December 11, 2010

I loved this game on XBLA, where the available demo let me learn the game at my leisure and without an investment.  I hope they add a demo for the PC version that just came out, because I think more people would like it than are likely to spring for it sight unseen.