The Rivals vibes were immaculate for much longer than is statistical; people were just in there having fun, looking at the cool art, figuring out how to manage a roster of more than thirty universal paragons at once. Quickplay has curdled a bit since then, which it would basically have to do.
People get mad if you have a character at Lord level in Quickplay, but that's just where I play, and I'm a Lord not by skill or even by birth but just because I played the game a bunch. They even gave you the ability to use the default character portrait, either to avoid these comparisons or maybe to allow true demons from Competitive to slum it in anonymity. In any case there's a ton of real fucking childish shit in there now but there are soothing rituals one can undertake to clear the palette.
Speaking of Rivals, Dabe is busy working on a couple final shirts for this year's Metro/Graffiti theme that look amazing, but he needs to brown them on both sides to create the prized Maillard Reaction. But Gabe, Kara, and I are gonna be in there keeping the tradition alive on stream - come kick it!
(CW)TB out.